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National Director's March 2019 Update
Jul 23, 2020

April 1, 2019

Dear Members:

The National Executive Council (NEC) continues our efforts to achieve the best communication practices to reach our membership. Tools are in place for our members to acquire the latest news and updates regarding current events throughout the Association. In addition to our website and AMFA App push notification, we are using social media to increase visibility via Facebook and Twitter. The NEC also continues to conduct station and GMM visits throughout the system at both Alaska Airlines (AS) and Southwest Airlines (SWA) locations. Thank you for your continued support in this communication campaign.

The AMFA–AS Negotiating Committee met with Alaska Airlines on March 6, 2019, to establish the status of the transition agreement and to either schedule future dates or to determine if the parties are at an impasse. We acknowledge that we are committed to moving forward to find a mutual agreement to bring our two workgroups together and are anticipating future meeting dates. Please stay tuned to the Alaska Airlines News and Updates page of the AMFA National website for further details.

After a week of mediation, we reached an Agreement in Principle (AIP) regarding a Tentative Agreement (TA) with SWA on Saturday, March 16, 2019. I want to thank all of you for your steadfast support of your AMFA Negotiation Committee and for your patience during the almost seven years of negotiations. Letter of Agreement (LOA) #1 was completed last week. The TA also calls for retroactive ratification bonus pay through March 31, 2019, and Southwest will provide AMFA with the final numbers around April 5. At that point, AMFA will determine how to distribute the ratification bonus to each individual in accordance with LOA #4. The last remaining step is to combine all of the documents we’ve agreed to into one TA document for your consideration, which we plan to complete this week.

If you observe a safety concern, report it. SWA and AS both have internal methods to notify your respective company of safety concerns. Additionally, each company has an Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP). There is the FAA Hotline reporting system that may be utilized by anyone to report concerns of aviation safety: https://hotline.faa.gov/. We must realize the grave responsibility we have as FAA certified airman, a responsibility to exercise our judgement on the airworthiness of aircraft and equipment. We, therefore, pledge unyielding adherence to these precepts for the advancement of public safety of aviation and for the dignity for our craft.

Please remember to stay focused on the job you are performing and task at hand. Do not let the distractions of everyday life re-direct your attention away from what is happening in front of you. Please use the buddy system to help each other remain compliant. It is extremely important to watch out for ourselves and each other, that’s the essence of being in a Union.

Wholly aside from written SWA and AS company policy and procedures, every AMT has both the right and obligation to perform maintenance in accordance with the standards embodied in our maintenance manuals. When we say “obligation,” we refer to Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) that mandate that all aircraft maintenance must be performed using the “methods, techniques, and practices” prescribed in applicable maintenance manuals.  14 CFR § 43.13(a).  The FARs further stipulate that maintenance work be properly documented. Reference 14 CFR § 121.701(a) which states:

“Each person who takes action in the case of a reported or observed failure or malfunction of an airframe, engine, propeller, or appliance that is critical to the safety of flight shall make, or have made, a record of that action in the airplane's maintenance log.”

We all need to ensure that each of us is able to return home each day to the families we love and support. 

Have you recently moved?  It is very important to notify the following of any contact information updates. 

  • FAA – Federal Aviation Regulation 65.21 requires that all certificate holders update their permanent mailing address within 30 days.
  • Your respective carrier
  • AMFA National – Change of Address Form

The FAA has a section of their website that is dedicated to safety awareness. This includes a section specifically for Aircraft Maintenance Technicians with information for continuing education, including online courses. Visit the following link for more information: FAA Safety Team (FAAST).

As always, I ask you please be safe and to stay engaged with your union and officers. For more carrier specific updates and further information regarding AMFA and the airline industry, please visit the AMFA National Website at www.amfanational.org. Our most determined efforts will only succeed with your continued support and participation – please stay informed.


Bret Oestreich
National Director

7853 E. Arapahoe Court, Suite 1100
Centennial, CO 80112

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