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L3 Harris Technologies MAS Update #1 – CIRB Authorizes Representation Election
Sep 16, 2022

September 14, 2022

Dear L3 Harris Technologies MAS Inc. Aircraft Maintenance Engineers and Related Employees:

We are pleased to inform you that on September 14, 2022, Canadian Industrial Relation Board (“CIRB”) notified all parties that the CIRB has authorized a representation election in CIRB  File No. 035864-C for the Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AMEs) and Related employees at L3 Technologies  MAS Inc. at CFB Trenton to choose to be represented by the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (“AMFA”) or the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers.

The CIRB decision issued yesterday finds that:

(1) AMFA meets the defined interpretation elements required for a trade union status.

(2) The request to modify the bargaining unit, given the submissions of parties, the Board finds that there is no compelling argument for the severance of the OSS employees from the existing bargaining unit.

(3) There is sufficient showing of interest by your bargaining unit and therefore the CIRB has authorized a representation vote be conducted electronically among the employees in the voting unit described hereunder:

All employees of L3 Technologies MAS Inc. at Trenton Airforce Base performing aircraft maintenance and related service functions, excluding office and clerical employees, Senior technicians (DND Tutor), supervisors and those above the rank of supervisor.

The CIRB further clarifies that employees eligible to cast a ballot are those employees who were employed by the employer as of July 5, 2022, and who remain so employed on the day of the representation vote. The Board designates Mr. Kieran Clark as the Returning Officer to supervise the conduct of the representation vote. We will continue to keep you informed as we are made aware of any further CIRB scheduling deadlines, including the election tally date at the CIRB.

AMFA looks forward to the opportunity to unify and represent your trade and workgroup. AMFA is a firm believer in keeping transparency with our union members because we respect employee choice. For further updates and information as this election process proceeds, please visit the L3 Harris Technologies, Trenton Airforce Base page of the AMFA National website.

In Solidarity,

Bret Oestreich
National President

7853 E. Arapahoe Court, Suite 1100
Centennial, CO 80112

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