April 20, 2024
Participants for AMFA:
Bret Oestreich – National President
Ian Evershed – Airline Representative
Simon Weizman – Member-at-Large Negotiator
Lee Seham – Legal Counsel
Peter Manikowski – Economist
Participants for WestJet Airlines:
Diederik Pen – President and COO, WestJet Group
Gandeephan Ganeshalingam – Vice President Tech Ops
Jason Begley – Director, Labour Relations
Virginia Swindall – Senior Manager, Labour Relations
Richard Tanner – Associate General Counsel
Alex Hunt – Corporate Counsel – Labour Relations
Alisha Visanji – Cost Controller
John Romane – Person Responsible for Maintenance
Darren Cook – Line Maintenance Manager
The AMFA-WestJet Negotiating Committee (the “Committee”) is providing this update to the Membership at WestJet, an Alberta Partnership (“WestJet”). This is the only officially authorized source of negotiating communications.
AMFA has received over 100 AME requests for the immediate initiation of a strike ballot. The Negotiating Committee has decided, however, that no strike ballot will be issued prior to the week of April 29. Administration of the strike ballot would unavoidably re-direct Union energies away from the bargaining process. The issuance of a strike ballot would also be a distraction for Company negotiators who would have to address the potential of passengers booking away from WestJet.
Although reaching a ratifiable agreement in the coming week looks doubtful, it may be that WestJet is engaged in a (misguided) process of brinksmanship and will agree to provide tolerable work schedules, real wage increases, and some measure of job security by Friday. However, with collective bargaining not scheduled to re-commence until Tuesday, April 23, the Company’s position remains:
- a five-year contract with wage increases of 4%, 2%, 2%, 2% and 2%
- a virtually unlimited right to oursource your work
- the right to reduce the 5-5-4 schedule to a minority of employees and assign 30% or more of the AMEs to 5-2 schedule.
In terms of negotiating decorum, certain WestJet representatives have moderated their tone at the bargaining table. One even expressed contrition for not delivering on a proposal he had suggested during a sidebar. However, a new participant engaged in ugly stare down of a WestJet-AME negotiator that was unprecedented. It was the kind of confrontation that, if it had occurred at a bar, would have been swiftly followed by an invitation to take the matter outside.
Your fellow AME did not flinch. He is a man of courage who continued his advocacy for you without losing a step. However, it is obviously detrimental to the bargaining process when, on the car ride home, your negotiators are discussing the possibility of a physical altercation rather than the next counterproposal.
We encourage Calgary AMEs to attend negotiations as they resume this coming Tuesday. Let your man know you have his back.
Stay engaged with your Union updates and officers and continue to watch what the Company does as opposed to what it says in written updates or video messages. Remain informed and continue to support the Negotiating Committee as that support increases the ability to bargain a collective agreement your hard work deserves.
Your AMFA representatives will provide regular updates throughout the negotiating process. Thank you for your support.
AMFA-WestJet Negotiating Committee