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AMFA-SCA Negotiations Update #13
Jun 24, 2024

June 24, 2024

Participants for AMFA
Earl Clark – Region I Director
Will Abbott – Region II Director

Tony Christner – Airline Representative
Lucas Middlebrook – Legal Counsel

Participants for Sun Country Airlines
Kristen Peterson – Sr. Director, Labor & Employment
Bobby Purzitza – Director of Maintenance
Jacki Thompson – Legal Counsel
Roy Fan – Financial Planning & Analysis

The AMFA–SCA Negotiating Committee (“Committee”) is providing this update to the membership at Sun Country Airlines (“Sun Country”). This is the only officially authorized source of negotiating communications by the Committee.

The parties met in Las Vegas for a three-day mediated session last week (June 18–20). This was our second session in mediation under the National Mediation Board (“NMB”).

During our first mediated session in May, the parties engaged in discussion and exchanged “supposals” on how on-the-job training could be handled in a new collective bargaining agreement (CBA). In addition, the parties spent time discussing and exchanging off-the-record concepts regarding the Company’s desire to cross utilize employees between classifications. At the mediator’s direction, the parties continued those discussions and off-the-record exchanges this week in Las Vegas. In addition, the parties spent time on Day 3 engaged in off-the-record discussions related to Aircraft Support Technicians and the possibility of a Lead position associated with that classification.

The parties engaged in three days of dialogue and exchange of off-the-record supposals on these issues. Unfortunately, at the end of the session there was no resolution to any of the above-referenced topics. AMFA is frustrated with the pace of these mediated discussions as well as with the inability of the Company to agree, even when AMFA presents ideas in direct response to the Company negotiators’ stated concerns. In addition, AMFA continues to provide different concepts and unique ideas to bridge the gap between the parties. Unfortunately, these ideas are commonly responded with the Company’s repetitive taglines regarding the uniqueness of Sun Country’s operation and its need to remain flexible.

The Company should be reminded of its obligation to bargain in good faith under the Railway Labor Act to make an agreement, which includes, ensuring that the negotiators at the table have sufficient bargaining authority to reach agreement. It is no legitimate excuse to claim any proposal/supposal first needs to be discussed with management representatives who are absent from the bargaining table.

The Company also continues in its approach of not covering your Airline Representative’s (ALR) time during negotiations despite AMFA offering to reimburse the Company for such time. By doing this, Tony Christner’s accruals, retirement contributions, ability to earn and days off are all negatively affected. AMFA is engaged in bargaining for first contracts at other carriers where this is not an issue. Your Committee sees this as nothing more than anti-union animus and the Company’s mean-spirited approach toward its own employees. It is wrong how they are treating Tony in this respect. We continue to raise these concerns with the mediator.

The Company must come to these sessions prepared to engage in productive bargaining by which compromise can lead to tentative agreements. Due to, in part, the glacial pace of these negotiations, the Company’s treatment of Tony and its lack of motivation to reach agreement, AMFA has commenced the process of establishing a picket/strike preparation committee at Sun Country. You will be receiving more information on this in the coming weeks. 

While the mediator is not permitting observers in future sessions with the Company in the joint meeting space, observers remain invited to our caucus room. Your solidarity is greatly appreciated, and we hope you can attend future sessions. If you would like to be an observer in our caucus room in future negotiation sessions, please communicate with your ALR, Tony Christner. The parties are scheduled to resume mediated bargaining virtually on July 12 and August 23. In addition, the parties will meet in person September 23-25 in Tampa.

Remember - stay engaged, remain informed, and continue to support the Negotiating Committee as that support increases the ability to bargain a CBA your hard work deserves. We look forward to picking up the pace of negotiations under mediation and expect the same from the Company. 


Your AMFASCA Negotiating Committee

In This Section

7853 E. Arapahoe Court, Suite 1100
Centennial, CO 80112

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