July 18, 2024
AMFA is currently accepting applications for Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to cover each aspect of aircraft maintenance. The goal is to compile a centralized list of qualified Technicians/ Maintenance Controllers from across the system to serve as SMEs in the event of any aircraft accident/incident.
The responsibility of an SME in this respect is to aid the NTSB in the Party Process in the event of an accident or incident. The NTSB uses the Party Process as its main way of conducting investigations. In this role, you will assist the NTSB with evidence gathering, answering questions, fact-finding, sharing your knowledge on the system/component in question, and other tasks requested by the NTSB. As an SME, you are not expected to be the sole source of information. Instead, you will explain details from the Aircraft Technicians or MX Controllers perspective and work with them to discover answers. The teams will typically be comprised of members from all parties involved (examples: NTSB, aircraft manufacturer, airline affected, union SMEs, MROs, etc.), fostering a collaborative environment.
We appreciate your interest in assisting the Association in this capacity. The National Safety and Standards Director (NSSD) will inform you if you have been selected for AMFA’s Subject Matter Expert Registry. Additionally, the NSSD or Party Coordinator will contact you if we need to utilize your service and expertise in the event of an investigation.
Please submit the attached form by October 4, 2024, to tom.wiggins@amfanatl.org or (303) 362-7736.