August 28, 2024
AMFA National is currently conducting a referendum to vote on proposed amendments to the AMFA Constitution approved by the delegates at the National Convention held in August, TX on May 5-8, 2024. The complete text of proposed amendments is available at your Local and on the voting website for your review and consideration.
Votes for this referendum will be cast using the ElectionBuddy system, and all active members in good standing are eligible to vote. Note: Any member whose membership dues, fees, and/or assessment obligations have not been reconciled is a member in bad standing and, therefore, is ineligible to vote.
The Referendum Notice and Voting Instructions will be emailed to eligible voters who have a personal email address on file with AMFA National on September 5, 2024. Referendum Notice and Instructions POSTCARDS will also be sent to the address on file with AMFA National. Any eligible member who has not received voting instructions or has questions about the voting process should contact or 720-744-6629.
Members may vote in this referendum until 10:00 AM ET on September 26, 2024, the date of the vote tally. The results will be released by September 27, 2024.
Jay Johnson
National Secretary/Treasurer