October 7, 2024
Dear Calm Air Aviation Tradesmen:
I want to personally thank you for what you do and recognize your impact on our profession. Your dedication to prioritizing safety every time you touch an aircraft makes you critical to the success of any aviation maintenance operation, no matter the size of the carrier. The lives of our crew members and the flying public depend on your knowledge, skill, and integrity, as reflected by AMFA’s motto: “safety in the air begins with quality maintenance on the ground.” While I respect the work that you perform day-to-day, it is my goal to demand increased recognition, from your employer and the public, for your critical contribution to aviation safety.
As you are aware, AMFA’s footprint in Canada is continuing to expand, and now, it is with you and your fellow employees at Calm Air. It is important that you, as an aviation professional, hear directly from AMFA so that you can get a sense of what AMFA is about. One of the primary reasons I accepted the position of National President in 2016 was that AMFA is the only union that constitutionally limits itself to representing the craft and class of our skilled trade, thus avoiding conflicts of interest with other groups. I am proud to lead our trade-specific union and plant an AMFA flag in Canada, starting with L3 Harris MAS in 2022, WestJet Airlines in 2023 and now filing for Calm Air group. Today, AMFA filed an Application for Certification as Bargaining Agent for your Calm Air bargaining unit with the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB). We look forward to working for you while continuing our role as the leading voice of skilled aviation engineers/technicians in Canada and the United States.
Other labor organizations force skilled engineers/technicians into a bargaining unit that includes a majority of unskilled workers. The result is a system of governance that suppresses the wages, benefits, and collective voice of the AMEs. AMFA follows a different path. Our objectives are to raise the standards and increase the recognition of AMEs and related employees, and the AMFA Constitution is the catalyst for our members to control their destiny via the direct election of all local and national officers.
AMFA believes you have the right to choose, and you have made the right choice by seeking to be represented by an independent, craft-specific union. One Craft, One Union! Your Calm Air group will continue to be a pioneer throughout Canada, promoting a single-craft union dedicated to aviation safety. We expect some resistance from management concerning the grassroots movement, but with your help and engagement, we are confident that your skills and collective voice will lead to success.
I ask that you actively engage in our movement across Canada so that AMEs will finally be given the international respect, recognition, and support that they deserve.
Bret Oestreich
National President