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Welcome JTS AMEs and Skilled Trade Groups
Jan 15, 2025

January 15, 2025

Dear Jazz Technical Services AMEs and Skilled Trade Groups:

The Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) representative election between Unifor and AMFA concluded today, and your remarkable participation resulted in over 91% vote for AMFA. We expect the Board’s official certification of AMFA as your bargaining representative in the coming days.

This is an incredible accomplishment, and it’s a testament to the power of collective effort and grassroots organizing. Becoming Canada’s fourth AMFA-represented AME (Aircraft Maintenance Engineer) and skilled trade group is no small feat. The Organizing Committee’s dedication has clearly paved the way for a brighter future for your group.

This is a pivotal moment for your trade group at Jazz Technical Services (JTS). The decision to join AMFA reflects a strong collective vision for advancing your profession and ensuring your voices are heard. The upcoming steps—nominating and electing AMFA–JTS representatives, submitting contract amendment proposals, and entering collective bargaining—are crucial opportunities to shape the future of your working conditions. AMFA's mission to prioritize the craft/trade and highlight the value of your expertise aligns well with the desire for improved recognition and standards.

The results of the representation vote set the stage for meaningful progress. By working together under AMFA’s representation, you have the opportunity to influence key aspects of your profession—improving working conditions, fostering a supportive workplace culture, and gaining well-deserved recognition for your expertise.

A volunteer Transition Committee is in place to facilitate the changeover. Having an Interim AMFA-JTS Airline Representative (ALR), Joel Moores, as the primary point of contact ensures that your group has a clear leader to oversee and address essential matters like work rules, pay, retirement, and benefits during this period, and the Interim Area Representative(s) and Interim Shop Representative(s) add valuable layers of support, ensuring communication and operations on the floor run smoothly.

During this transition, we trust that Management will uphold their professional obligations and refrain from making unilateral changes to your working conditions without engaging in collective bargaining with AMFA. Should any issues arise, we encourage you to remain professional, continue fulfilling your responsibilities, and promptly inform an AMFA representative of any concerns. A meeting will be scheduled with Management to ensure a smooth transition process.

In the coming weeks, you will receive a Digital New Member Package, including an Application for Membership. We will also conduct nominations and elections to duly elect the AMFA–JTS ALR as well as other union positions.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your AMFA-JTS Transition Committee.

In Solidatrity,

Bret Oestreich
National President

7853 E. Arapahoe Court, Suite 1100
Centennial, CO 80112

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