January 16, 2025
Participants for AMFA
Bret Oestreich – National President
Earl Clark – Region I Director
Will Abbott – Region II Director
Tony Christner – Airline Representative
Lucas Middlebrook – Legal Counsel
Peter Manikowski – Economist
Participants for Sun Country Airlines
Kristen Peterson – Sr. Director, Labor & Employment
Jacki Thompson – Legal Counsel
Roy Fan – Financial Planning & Analysis
Scott Bjergo – Director of Outstation Maintenance
The AMFA-SCA Negotiating Committee (“Committee”) is providing this update to the membership at Sun Country Airlines (“Sun Country”). This is the only officially authorized source of negotiating communications by the Committee.
The parties met in Chicago (Jan. 7-8) for a two-day mediated bargaining session. This session was initially scheduled for three days, but the mediator (as a federal employee) was unable to attend on January 9, which was designated as the National Day of Mourning for former President Jimmy Carter.
At the outset of Day 1, AMFA presented a counterproposal to the Appendix that addresses how terms and conditions of Aircraft Maintenance Technicians from the Traveling Technician bid location (Traveling AMTs) will vary from the main CBA. AMFA’s Traveling AMT Appendix counterproposal addressed issues such as Hours of Service, Overtime, Field Service and Traveling Expenses unique to the Traveling AMTs. The Company’s proposal for this Appendix included a salary system, and AMFA’s counterproposal contained an hourly payment system similar to other AMTs. The parties engaged in discussion regarding AMFA’s counterproposal and the Company indicated it would need some time to review.
The parties, in the afternoon of Day 1, engaged in discussions (both on and off the record) regarding the Company’s continued proposal to include part-time Employees in the CBA. AMFA once again explained that it has serious concerns regarding this proposal.
On the morning of Day 2, the Company returned a counterproposal to the Traveling AMT Appendix, which made some movement. The parties engaged in discussion on this issue but remain apart on larger issues such as Hours of Service, Overtime, and Wage Rates for the Traveling AMTs.
The parties then had an off-the-record discussion regarding vacation bidding/scheduling for all Employees. In the afternoon of Day 2, following the off-the-record discussion related to vacation bidding/scheduling, the Company presented a limited proposal to Article 12 – Vacations that focused on the vacation request and approval process. The Company’s proposal sought to codify the semi-annual vacation bid with the option to request individual days, on a monthly basis, after the bid closed. Near the end of Day 2, following previous discussion on the issue, AMFA presented an update to the Article 24 – General & Miscellaneous Tentative Agreement (TA) that relocated per diem language from Article 8 – Training to clarify it would apply to all work travel. The day closed with off-the-record discussion on the next steps and other possible solutions on the issues of part-time Employees and Traveling AMTs.
The next mediated bargaining session is scheduled for February 25-27 at a location to be determined by the mediator.
We want to thank everybody for participating in the strike authorization vote, which passed by an overwhelming margin. This show of solidarity demonstrates your unwavering support for the Committee. We would also like to thank everybody for your continued interest in participating on the Strike Preparation Committee (SPC). More information will be forthcoming on how you can assist the SPC.
The Company continues to repeat the tired line that first agreements take time. The parties have been negotiating for two and a half years, and the Committee has grown tired of this excuse. We understand from your feedback that you have as well.
If you have any questions related to negotiations or the SPC, please reach out to your ALR, Tony Christner. Remember - stay engaged, remain informed, and continue to support the Negotiating Committee.
Our solidarity will produce a CBA that your hard work has earned.
Your AMFA–SCA Negotiating Committee