January 30, 2025
AMFA National is calling for nominations from the membership at WestJet, an Alberta Partnership (WJA) to fill Area Representative positions.
Area Representatives represent and serve outlying station members. Their key responsibilities include handling grievances, working with the Local ALR to interpret contracts, collecting and submitting contract proposals, assisting with negotiations preparation, and keeping members informed. They must be members in good standing (MIGS), meet attendance requirements, and work closely with the Airline Representative to address concerns and maintain communication within their area.
The term of service for these Area Representatives will commence on April 1, 2025. Once assigned to an AMFA Local, the term may be altered to align with the election cycle prescribed by the Local Bylaws; however, the term will not exceed two years.
All active AMFA members in good standing (MIGS) employed by WestJet are eligible to be nominated for their designated area. Members may only submit nominees for the area in which they are stationed.
Nominations must be submitted via the form below to elections@amfanatl.org by 5:00PM ET on February 13, 2025.
Rui Leonardo
National Secretary/Treasurer