December 29, 2016
Dear AMFA–SWA Members:
Over the course of the coming days and weeks we will provide updates detailing the factual allegations contained in the complaint against Southwest Airlines that was filed with the federal court in Arizona. It is important that each of you understand the allegations contained in the lawsuit that was filed on your behalf. It will quickly become apparent as you read this information that the Company’s alleged conduct has deprived you of the contract you deserve and infringed upon your rights under the Railway Labor Act.
The first factual allegation referenced in the complaint details Southwest’s take-it-or-leave-it approach to bargaining:

The complaint referenced specific instances when the Company engaged in this take-it-or-leave pattern of bargaining, including, among others:

These are only a few of the factual allegations supporting the claim that Southwest has violated its duty to bargain in good faith by presenting your Negotiating Committee with take-it-or-leave-it proposals centered around the Company’s must-haves. Our next update will discuss the factual allegations of the complaint that address Southwest’s regressive bargaining tactics. Again, we ask that stay informed, stay engaged and most importantly stand in solidarity with your union brothers and sisters.
On Behalf of the NEC,
Bret Oestreich
National Director