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AMFA-QX Negotiations Update #5
Jan 13, 2022

January 13, 2022

Participants for AMFA:
Bret Oestreich –National President
Rui Leonardo – Interim National Vice President
Earl Clark – Chairman and Region I Director
Bobby Shipman – Airline Representative, Local 14
Brian Goodwin – GEG Area Representative
Lucas Middlebrook – Legal Counsel

Participants for Horizon Air:
Peggy Willingham – VP, People, Labor & Strategy
Jeremy Ellison – Sr. Labor Relations BP
Baron Converse – MD Maintenance Operations
BJ Colby – Managing Director, Finance
Molly Gabel – Legal Counsel

AMFA and Horizon Air met again in Seattle on January 11-12, 2022, to continue negotiations. The Company, on Day 1, veered from the parties’ previous article-by-article process and provided AMFA with a proposal that included monetary increases in exchange for a two-year contract. This is often referred to, in the industry, as a time-for-money proposal. The economics of the proposal were complicated and required analysis.

Your Negotiating Committee asked a few clarifying questions regarding the proposal prior to spending the remainder of Day 1 in caucus with AMFA’s legal counsel, Lucas Middlebrook and economist, Peter Manikowski. The Committee, with assistance from AMFA’s economist, sent an information request to the Company for financial data to allow the Committee to fully cost and understand the economic impact of Horizon’s proposal. The Company responded with data and AMFA’s economist continued to cost the proposal to allow the Committee to begin developing a counterproposal.

The Committee continued Day 2 in caucus to meet electronically with AMFA’s economist and formulate a counter; however, given the complexity of the Company’s proposal, more time is needed to comprehensively understand the proposal cost and effect on the members. The parties reconvened in the afternoon on Day 2 and AMFA advised the Company it needed more time to finalize its economic review and counterproposal. AMFA requested dates from the Company to promptly reconvene meetings during which the Committee can respond with a counterproposal.

Scheduled Negotiation Dates: We have scheduled January 27 and 28 for our next session. Please contact Bobby Shipman to make arrangements if you wish to attend this session as an observer.


Your Negotiating Committee

7853 E. Arapahoe Court, Suite 1100
Centennial, CO 80112

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