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AMFA-SCA Negotiations Update #9
Jun 16, 2023

June 16, 2023

Participants for AMFA
Bret Oestreich – National President
Earl Clark – Region I Director
Will Abbott – Region II Director

Tony Christner – Airline Representative
Lucas Middlebrook – Legal Counsel
Peter Manikowski – Economist

Participants for Sun Country Airlines
Kristen Peterson – Sr. Director, Labor & Employment
Bobby Purzitza – Director of Maintenance
Jacki Thompson – Legal Counsel
Laurie Lofgren – Labor Consultant
Roy Fan – Financial Planning & Analysis

The AMFA-SCA Negotiating Committee is providing this update to the membership at Sun Country Airlines (SCA). This is the only official authorized source of negotiating communications by the Committee.

The parties were scheduled for a three-day bargaining session, June 13-15 in Minneapolis, to continue bargaining toward a first collective bargaining agreement (CBA) for the SCA group. As you will recall, AMFA used the May bargaining dates to meet internally and develop a cover-to-cover comprehensive collective bargaining proposal. AMFA, on Day 1 of this week’s session, caucused to review and finalize its comprehensive proposal. In the morning of Day 2, AMFA presented its comprehensive proposal to the Company. The comprehensive proposal included articles for which AMFA owed counters as well as articles not previously presented, such as Wage Rules, Wage Rates, Retirement, and Insurance benefits. The comprehensive proposal contained terms that would reward you by placing you in line with industry standard compensation, benefits, and work rules.

The Company listened to AMFA’s comprehensive proposal presentation and asked a few clarifying questions. The Company indicated it was prepared to negotiate on a few individual articles, but AMFA advised it preferred to receive a comprehensive response to accelerate the negotiation process in an effort to provide you with an agreement to consider that rewards your hard work and commitment to SCA. The Company advised it would need the remainder of the session to review internally and consider the comprehensive proposal. We expect the Company to work diligently and be fully prepared with a comprehensive response when the parties meet in July. 

Thank you to the observers that took the time to attend this week’s session. The next negotiation session is scheduled for July 18-20 in Minneapolis. If you would like to be an observer in future negotiation sessions, please communicate with your ALR, Tony Christner.

Remember - stay engaged, remain informed, and continue to support the Negotiating Committee as that support increases the ability to bargain a CBA your hard work deserves.


AMFA-SCA Negotiating Committee

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Centennial, CO 80112

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