March 5, 2020
AMFA National is calling for nominations from AMFA Locals representing the Southwest Airlines (SWA) membership for the position of Primary AMFA–SWA Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) Event Review Committee (ERC) Representative. AMFA National will accept nominations from each Local until 5:00PM ET, March 26, 2020.
The Primary AMFA ASAP Representative serves as the Southwest Airlines membership’s representative on the SWA ASAP ERC and reports to the National Safety & Standards Director, or his designee. The Primary position is anticipated to be a full-time assignment based at the SWA maintenance facility in Dallas, Texas. The Alternate will serve in the event the Primary is unavailable. The term of service for the Primary will commence on July 1, 2020, and will expire at 11:59PM ET, June 30, 2022, or upon termination of the program, whichever occurs first.
All active AMFA members in good standing employed by Southwest Airlines are eligible to be nominated for this position. Nominations must be submitted to your Local in accordance with posted procedures.
Jay Johnson
National Secretary/Treasurer