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Horizon Air
AMFA was certified at Horizon Air (QX) on August 22, 2019, and the Association currently represents more than 260 QX members. The current contract is amendable on May 27, 2024.

December 28, 2024 -- AMFA and Horizon met in Seattle December 16-18, 2024, to continue bargaining towards a successor CBA. During this session, the parties made progress on individual articles and related issues, reaching tentative agreements (TAs) on Article 13 – Vacation and Article 14 – Sick Leave.
November 26, 2024 -- AMFA and Horizon met in Seattle November 18-19, 2024, to continue bargaining toward a successor CBA. At the beginning of Day 1, the Company presented a counterproposal on Article 8 – Field Trips and Training, Article 14 – Sick Leave, and Article 23, Paragraph B as related to 401(k) terms. Article 14 was previously entitled Extended Leave (EL), but the parties are negotiating to replace EL with a sick leave system.
November 8, 2024 -- AMFA and Horizon met in Seattle October 28-30, 2024, to continue bargaining toward a successor CBA. As you will remember, in the last few sessions, the parties had engaged in off-the-record “supposal” discussions to work through open issues and present you with a tentative agreement for your consideration.
October 15, 2024 -- AMFA and Horizon met in Seattle October 7-9, 2024, to continue bargaining toward a successor CBA. As you will recall, the prior session in August concluded with the parties having exchanged hypothetical or “supposal” ideas...
August 25, 2024 -- AMFA and Horizon met in Seattle August 19-21, to continue bargaining toward a successor CBA. The July session concluded with the parties discussing economic items, including benefits.
July 1, 2024 -- AMFA and Horizon met in Seattle June 24-27, 2024. The issues of this session continued around wages and benefits, primarily Articles 23 – Benefits, Article 25 – Wages, Premiums and Shift Differential, and the associated letters of agreement. Other open articles were also discussed.
June 11, 2024 -- AMFA and Horizon met in Seattle on June 3-5, 2024, to continue bargaining toward a successor collective bargaining agreement (CBA). On Day 1, AMFA presented an economic “term sheet” covering open items in several articles.
May 30, 2024 -- AMFA and Horizon met in Seattle on May 20-22, 2024, to continue bargaining toward a successor collective bargaining agreement (CBA). On Day 1, AMFA presented a counterproposal to Article 8 – Field Trips & Training, including language regarding the transport of tools to/from Field Trips and how that process would be coordinated with the Company.
April 30, 2024 -- On April 3, 2024, AMFA National called for nominations to fill the Primary AMFA–Horizon Air (QX) Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) Event Review Committee (ERC) Representative position, and all Horizon Air members of Local 14 were allowed to submit nominations. Following the closing of the Willingness to Serve process of this election, there is only one candidate for this position: Trace Cleveland.
March 15, 2024 -- The parties had another productive week of bargaining. On Day 1, AMFA presented opening proposals on Article 3 – Status of Agreement; Article 5 – Covered Classifications and Qualifications; and Article 22 – General and Miscellaneous.
March 4, 2024 -- AMFA and Horizon Air met in Seattle, WA on February 27-29, 2024. The first day started with AMFA responding to Article 21 – Health and Safety Standards and agreeing to the remaining issue in that Article...
February 12, 2024 -- AMFA and Horizon Air met in Seattle, WA on February 5-7, 2024, to begin work in earnest towards a successor CBA.
January 9, 2024 -- AMFA and Horizon Air met in Seattle, WA on January 5, 2023, to start the negotiation process.
September 27, 2022 -- The votes for the AMFA – Horizon Air (QX) Uniform Letter of Agreement (LOA) Referendum were tallied on September 27, 2022. Votes for this referendum were counted and certified by ElectionBuddy, and the results are as follows:
May 10, 2022 -- AMFA-Horizon members made it crystal clear with a 93% majority vote to ratify the tentative agreement at Horizon Air, they believe that this industry-leading agreement is what they deserve for themselves and their families,” said AMFA National President Bret Oestreich.
May 10, 2022 -- The votes for the AMFA – Horizon Air (QX) 2nd Tentative Agreement (TA) Ratification Referendum were tallied on May 10, 2022. Votes for this referendum were counted and certified by ElectionBuddy, and the results are as follows...
April 11, 2022 -- In March 2022, AMFA National called for nominations to fill the position of Primary AMFA – Horizon Air (QX) Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) Event Review Committee (ERC) Representative. Horizon Air members of Local 14 were allowed to submit names in nomination for this position. Following the close of the Willingness to Serve process of this election, there is only one candidate for Primary AMFA–QX ASAP ERC Representative: Tracy Cleveland.
March 30, 2022 – After almost six months of negotiations, the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) and Horizon Air (QX) announced a second Tentative Agreement (TA) on a proposed contract for the airline’s Aircraft Maintenance Technicians (AMTs), AC Cleaners, and Maintenance Shop Equipment Technicians.
March 15, 2022 – Today, Horizon Air (QX) Aircraft Maintenance Technicians (AMTs), Fleet Service, and Aircraft Cleaners overwhelmingly rejected a tentative agreement put forward for a ratification vote.
March 15, 2022 -- The votes for the AMFA – Horizon Air (QX) Tentative Agreement (TA) Ratification Referendum were tallied on March 15, 2022. Votes for this referendum were counted and certified by ElectionBuddy, and the results are as follows...
February 22, 2022 -- Your Negotiating Committee concluded a six-station roadshow to conduct face-to-face meetings with the membership regarding the AMFA-Horizon Air (QX) tentative agreement (TA) and ratification vote. From February 10-19, AMFA leaders visited Portland, Boise, Spokane, Seattle, Paine Field, and Redmond to inform the membership about how this TA was reached, to answer your questions, and to hear your concerns. The complete text of the TA was sent to the affected membership via company email last week for your review, and we presented the term sheet of each area of the TA followed by a Q&A session during the roadshow.
February 9, 2022 -- On January 28, 2022, AMFA and Horizon Air announced an Agreement in Principle (AIP) on a new two-year Agreement. The Committee has been working with the Company the last two weeks and have completed and agreed on new language, and we now have a Tentative Agreement (TA) ready for membership consideration. The full TA document will be emailed to each member’s Horizon Air email for review.
January 31, 2022 -- AMFA and Horizon Air met again in Seattle, WA on January 27-28, 2022, to continue negotiations in response to the Company’s January 11 time-for-money proposal. AMFA’s Negotiating Committee had met in advance with its legal and economic advisors and passed its counterproposal at the outset of the meetings on Day 1. Thereafter, the parties exchanged several proposals and engaged in productive dialogue over the course of two long days of bargaining.
January 13, 2022 -- AMFA and Horizon Air met again in Seattle on January 11-12, 2022, to continue negotiations. The Company, on Day 1, veered from the parties’ previous article-by-article process and provided AMFA with a proposal that included monetary increases in exchange for a two-year contract. This is often referred to, in the industry, as a time-for-money proposal. The economics of the proposal were complicated and required analysis.
December 22, 2021 -- AMFA and Horizon Air met again in Seattle, WA on December 15-17 and 20-21, 2021, to continue negotiations. The session on the fifteenth started by continuing to work on Article 8, which is to be renamed “Field Work, Rescue/AOG Missions, and Training.” The first task was to rewrite the Field Work language, which included the backfill language. We worked through mock scenarios by selecting the senior bidders by station and limiting it to one individual at a station, if needed.
December 13, 2021 -- AMFA and Horizon Air met again in Seattle, WA on December 9-10, 2021, to continue negotiations. The session started by reviewing the articles discussed during the last session. We then tentatively agreed on Article 10, Shift Realignment, with the only change being to bidding limits for probationary employees. The Company had no substantial update for our ask on Article 23, Employee Benefits, regarding limited use of Air Group Seniority for Non-Rev Travel. We provided the Company with AMFA structured language on Article 18, Union Security and Representation, prior to the start of this session and the Company again had no update or movement on the article.
November 29, 2021 -- AMFA and Horizon Air met in Seattle, WA on November 22–23 to continue the negotiation process. Discussions started on ten Letters of Agreement (LOAs) the Company provided us that are not currently in the contract book that where agreed upon by the Teamsters, including...
October 14, 2021 -- AMFA and Horizon Air met in Seattle, WA on October 11, 2021, to start the negotiations process. Joseph Sprague, Horizon Air (QX) President started it off by providing our Negotiating Committee an overview and status of the regional airline business as well as the anticipated challenges facing QX in the near future. He sees a bright future for the employees of Horizon and is committed to getting these negotiations completed. Next, Gavin Jones, VP of Maintenance & Engineering addressed our Committee, stating he was excited to get the negotiations process started and that Baron Converse, MD Maintenance Operations has the authority to make decisions on work rules that affect the maintenance operation.
August 8, 2021 -- In the wake of recent news, particularly with Friday’s report that UAL has become the first major airline to seek a company-wide mandated vaccination program, I wanted to reach out to you now after consulting with Legal in order to set out the following.
March 23, 2021 -- We started our first station visit in Portland, OR, on all shifts with AMTs and Aircraft Cleaners and concluded AMFA-QX AMTs face to face with the Redmond, OR, graveyard shift on March 11, 2021. After spending 8 days visiting Portland, OR; Boise, ID; Spokane, WA; Seattle, WA; Everett, WA-Painfield; and Redmond, OR, we received a plethora of great feedback from all members from each station in regard to current events. We have a plan in place to raise the standards and increase the recognition for the AMFA membership, but we anticipate there will be numerous CBA proposals and individual nominations for outstation-at-large positions in preparation for upcoming contract talks in Section 6 negotiations.
March 22, 2021 -- AMFA Local 14 completed the collection of contract proposals submitted by Horizon Air (QX) members on March 16, 2021. The Local Executive Council (LEC) will soon be assigning the contract proposal evaluation committee to review the proposals, combine like proposals, and assign reference numbers. When completed the committee will return them back to the LEC, which will then call a special meeting to have them endorsed by the AMFA-QX membership at the meeting. AMFA National will then conduct a prioritization survey of the AMFA-QX members to determine your opinion of the level of importance for each proposal. Once the prioritization is complete, the results will be given to the Negotiation Committee.
March 9, 2021 -- AMFA National is calling for nominations from AMFA Locals representing the Horizon Air (QX) membership for the positions Alternate AMFA–QX Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) Event Review Committee (ERC) Representative. AMFA National will accept nominations from each Local until 5:00PM ET, March 30, 2021.
January 13, 2021 -- We write to you as the management and labor leaders at Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air, representing more than 22,000 employees, to thank you for your continued leadership during this unprecedented crisis and to urgently request your support for including front-line aviation workers at the earliest point possible in Phase 1B of Washington's COVID-19 Vaccination Plan ("Vaccination Plan").
January 13, 2021 -- We write to you as the management and labor leaders at Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air, representing more than 22,000 employees, to thank you for your continued leadership during this unprecedented crisis and to urgently request your support for including front-line aviation workers at the earliest point possible in Phase 1B of Oregon's COVID-19 Vaccination Plan ("Vaccination Plan").
September 24, 2020 -- On behalf of the 23,000 employees of Alaska Air Group's wholly owned airlines, Alaska Airlines (Alaska) and Horizon Air (Horizon), thank you for your leadership during these challenging times. We write to you today just six months from our last joint letter to request that you once again come together and sustain aviation jobs with an extension of the Payroll Support Program (PSP), created in the CARES Act, in order to prevent involuntary furloughs at our airlines.
May 1, 2020 -- AMFA National is conducting a survey of the membership at Horizon Air. Your Negotiating Committee will utilize the feedback gathered by this survey to prepare for the upcoming negotiating process.
April 2, 2020 -- In March 2020, AMFA National called for nominations to fill the positions of Primary and Alternate AMFA – Horizon Air (QX) Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) Event Review Committee (ERC) Representative. Horizon Air members of Local 14 were allowed to submit names in nomination for these positions. Following the close of the Willingness to Serve process of this election, there is only one candidate for each position...
November 14, 2019 -- Since welcoming Horizon Air’s expert mechanics to AMFA in August, our officers have traveled across the country to meet the newest members. Recently, this included follow-up station visits in Spokane, Boise, Seattle and Portland.
October 1, 2019 -- This August we welcomed Horizon Air’s expert mechanics to AMFA. In the weeks following, we’ve held station visits with AMFA Aircraft Technicians and Fleet Service Cleaners in Seattle, Portland, Painfield, Redmond, and most recently, Boise and Spokane.
September 27, 2019 -- AMFA National and  Local14 recently finished up the last 2 station visits with AMFA-Horizon Air Aircraft Technicians and Fleet Service Cleaners in Boise, ID and Spokane, WA for Days, Evening & Grave shifts to help in strengthing communications and the recent transition to AMFA.
September 13, 2019 -- AMFA National and Local14 recently visited HorizonAir Aircraft Technicians in Redmond, Oregon for Graveyard MX to help in strengthing communications and the recent transition to AMFA. These welcoming station visits have recently been at Seattle, Portland & Painfield.
September 8, 2019 -- AMFA National and AMFA Local 14 recently visited Horizon Air in Paine Field, WA Graveyard MX to help in communications and the recent transition to AMFA. These welcoming station visits will continue to the remaining cities; Redmond, OR; Spokane, WA; Boise, ID over the next weeks.
August 30, 2019 -- On August 22, 2019, the National Mediation Board (NMB) certified the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) as the collective bargaining agent for the mechanic and related class and craft at Horizon Air. On behalf of the Officers and Representatives of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association, I would like to welcome you to the Association.
August 28, 2019 -- AMFA National and AMFA Local 14 recently visited Horizon Air in Portland at both Line MX & Hangar MX and Seattle Line MX stations to help in the recent transition to AMFA. These Station visits will continue to the remaining cities Paine Field, WA; Redmond, OR; Spokane, WA; Boise, ID.
August 22, 2019 – The National Mediation Board (NMB) officially announced today that the Aircraft Maintenance Technicians (AMTs) at Horizon Air voted to elect the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA), to be their exclusive collective bargaining agent.
The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association has long prided itself on being an independent, member-driven organization. It’s craft-specific, democratic and fully transparent from bottom to top. YOU are the union. YOU and your coworkers shape our policies.
July 24, 2019 - Attached are copies of the Notice of Election and Sample Instructions in NMB Case R-7533, Horizon Air Industries, Inc. & AMFA-IBT. Attached are copies of the Notice of Election and Sample Instructions in NMB Case R-7533, Horizon Air Industries, Inc. & AMFA-IBT. An election is being conducted under the Railway Labor Act (RLA) for the craft or class of Mechanics & Related Employees, employees of Horizon Air Industries, Inc., sought to be represented by the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association, and presently represented by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters-Airline Division.
Cover_Ltr_ NMB_Case_R-7533.pdf , Notice_of_Election_and_Voting Instructions_NMB_Case R-7533.pdf , Sample_Voting_Instructions_NMB_Case_R-7533.pdf
July 15, 2019 -- First, I would like to thank you for placing your confidence in the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA). Your grassroots organizing efforts and collection of Authorization Cards from your workgroup in favor of AMFA was a wonderful surprise. We are honored and promise to work hard on your behalf should you choose AMFA as your collective bargaining agent.

Page Last Updated: Dec 28, 2024 (05:03:00)
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