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National Director's March 2014 Update
Mar 31, 2014

Dear Members:

March continued our very busy start of the year; the first week National Safety & Standards Director David Brooks and I attended the FAA ASAP Information Sharing meeting in Seattle, WA. The FAA holds two of these meeting per year for participants in the various ASAP programs to share de-identified information from events that have been submitted and resulted in educational opportunities to advance aviation safety. The FAA reiterated their commitment to the non-punitive aspect of the program. AMFA’s Alaska (ASA) and Southwest (SWA) ASAP Representatives also attended the 3-day meeting.

The second week of March I made station visits to Anchorage and Fairbanks, AK to observe how the operation was performing with our members doing the ground handling, and limited line maintenance work, on the Horizon Air Q400s that started intra-Alaska service this month. There is still an array of issues that require attention, but our members are enthusiastic in their approach to addressing the challenges.

During the third week of March Assistant National Director Aaron Hansen and I attended the Local 14 Membership Meeting in Seattle, WA providing national updates. Likewise that week Secretary/Treasurer Justin Madden, Safety & Standards Director David Brooks, and Region I Director Earl Clark attended the Local 32 Membership Meetings.

Negotiations continued this month for the SWA Aircraft Maintenance Technicians (AMTs) and Facilities Maintenance Technicians (FMTs); please read and view the Committee’s updates on the AMFA National Website for detailed assessments of the items currently in work.

Last week the NEC traveled to Las Vegas, NV to conduct our National Executive Council (NEC) Meeting and to observe the Aerospace Maintenance Competition. We cheered on our Alaska Team members who earned third place overall and have made great advances year-over-year. We are very hopeful that Southwest will resume sponsorship of their team at the event next year. During the awards ceremony Aaron Hansen described AMFA National’s Scholarship Award and how the very goals and objectives of the Association are to raise the standards and increase the recognition of our craft; National Secretary Treasurer Justin Madden presented this year’s scholarship award to Aaron Asche at his A&P school earlier this month.

For more carrier specific updates and further information regarding AMFA and the airline industry, please visit the AMFA National Website at www.AMFANational.org. Our most determined efforts will only succeed with your continued support and participation – Please stay informed.

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