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National Director Update - July 2020
Aug 10, 2020

August 10, 2020

Dear Members:

In July  2020, your AMFA Officers were very busy monitoring the current state and operational  activity pertaining to the moving target for possible headcount reductions or furloughs, Early-Out Program (EOP), Voluntary Separations Programs (VSP), Extended Emergency Time Off (EXTO), Emergency Time Off (ETO), or In-leu-Of-Furlough (ILOF) options and safeguarding AMFA protected work. For more carrier specific updates and further information regarding current status of these options at your respective carrier, please contact your Local Airline Representative. Be assured, we are adamantly fighting for you under the parameters of the CARES ACT.

AMFA proudly contributes and engages talks related to the CARES Act, and we are continuing to advocate for our craft in COVID-19 related discussions and the recent bill of CARES Act PSP Extension. We encourage members to monitor recent and secure Legislative Updates page of the AMFA National website for more details.

Our Local Safety & Standards Chairman continue to be actively involved system-wide to reinforce adherence to workplace cleaning protocols in accordance with CDC guidelines, and we continue to urge you to utilize PPE, practice social distancing, adhere to any company policy on wearing masks while performing your job, and remember, safety is always the number one priority.  Please continue to follow the CDC recommendations and guidelines. If you have any questions or concerns about COVID-19 safety procedures or protocols, please contact your Local Safety and Standards Chairman.

I am happy and encouraged to announce AMFA recently filed with the National Mediation Board (NMB) on behalf of the Alaska Airlines Maintenance Controllers, and we received a docket number on July 14, 2020, for the NMB to perform a further review and investigation on accretion representation for this work group. It has been a goal and objective of this NEC to grow AMFA and continue to promote and raise the recognition and relevance of our craft. As we are continuing to raise the standards in pay and benefits to compensate for being highly skilled individuals, we are dedicated to progress commercial aviation and to the ceaseless vigilance of safety of flight by the practice of quality aircraft maintenance.

Southwest Airlines continues to pursue the two Federal lawsuits: one against AMFA National and the other against AMFA Local 11. We will continue updating you on any further developments or potential settlements via the secure Legal Updates (Members Only) page of the National website as developments unfold.

Reminder: the FAA Hotline reporting system may be utilized to report concerns of aviation safety: https://hotline.faa.gov/. We must realize our grave responsibility as FAA certified airman to exercise our judgement on the airworthiness of aircraft and equipment. We, therefore, pledge unyielding adherence to these precepts for the advancement of public safety of aviation and for the dignity for our craft.

As always, I ask you please be safe while being vigilant and to stay engaged with your union. Please monitor your respective carrier page of the AMFA National website for further airline specific details: Alaska Airlines Updates, Horizon Air Updates, Southwest Airlines Updates. Additionally, for more information regarding AMFA and the airline industry, I encourage you to visit the AMFA National Website at www.amfanational.org. Our most determined efforts will only succeed with your continued support and participation – please stay engaged and informed.


Bret Oestreich
National Director

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