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Press Release: AMFA Applauds the Inclusion of Greater Oversight and Accountability for Foreign Repair Station Employees in Senate FAA Reauthorization
Jul 10, 2016

For Immediate Release


Justin Madden, National Secretary/Treasurer
 (720) 744-6632

AMFA Applauds the Inclusion of Greater Oversight and Accountability for Foreign Repair Station Employees in Senate FAA Reauthorization

AURORA, Colo. – March 9, 2016 – Louie Key, National Director of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association, released the following statement:

"On behalf of the over 3,000 Alaska Airlines and Southwest Airlines aircraft maintenance technicians, AMFA applauds Senate Commerce, Science & Transportation Committee Chairman John Thune, and Ranking Member Bill Nelson for the inclusion of greater oversight and accountability of foreign repair station employees in the FAA Reauthorization Bill.

"Safety is the cornerstone of the pact between the aircraft maintenance technician and the American flying public. Recognizing there is a safety gap with our foreign counterparts, AMFA leadership actively pursued policies in the FAA authorization to institute a mandatory drug and alcohol testing policy and establish a pre-employment background investigation requirement of foreign repair station employees.

"The safety and security standards on the domestic technician, that help to ensure the public safety and reliability of aircraft maintenance, should be uniform no matter where the repair station is located. To that end, AMFA recognizes the work of the Committee and supports the Senate FAA Reauthorization Bill, more specifically the Alcohol and Controlled Substances Testing and Background Investigations provisions found in Section 2502 of TITLE II—SAFETY.

"In addition to the leadership of Chairman Thune and Ranking Member Nelson, AMFA would like to thank Aviation Subcommittee Chair Kelly Ayotte, Ranking Member Maria Cantwell, and Senator Claire McCaskill. Their support and persistence throughout this process helps ensure the safety of the American flying public."

Legislative language is available here.


The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association is a craft oriented, independent aviation union. AMFA represents licensed and unlicensed technicians and related employees actively involved in the aviation industry. These technician and related employees work directly on aircraft and/or components, support equipment, and facilities. AMFA is committed to elevating the professional standing of technicians and to achieving progressive improvements in wages, benefits, and working conditions of the skilled craftsmen and women it represents. For more information about AMFA visit www.amfanational.org.

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