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Memo: Important FAA Legislation Signed Into Law
Oct 08, 2018



AMFA Membership
Justin Madden, Legislative Affairs Director
October 8, 2018
Important FAA Legislation Signed Into Law

Dear Members:

Last week was a busy one in Washington, DC.  In addition to the Senate confirmation of a Supreme Court Justice, important legislation passed that directly affects our craft.  After years of discussion and a few whirlwind weeks of negotiating a compromise behind closed doors, the House and Senate both passed a FAA Reauthorization Bill, which the President signed into law Friday afternoon, October 5, 2018.  Contained within the bill’s 1,200 pages, the most important provision is authorizing the agency for five years.

AMFA has been carefully monitoring the progress of this legislation and worked diligently to impact the items that directly impact our craft.  After combing through the legislation, we have identified over thirty-five provisions of interest, such as:

  • Various committees and task forces related to safety and reform

  • ASAP and FAA enforcement policy

  • Annual airline safety report

  • Study on Repairman Certificate portability

  • Workforce development programs

  • Airport worker access/screening

  • Several other reports and studies

While AMFA is excited about many of these provisions, such as workforce development and the evolution of safety and the FAA, there are issues of concern; specifically, the Repairman Certificate portability study and, more generally, airport worker access.  We have been clear on our position that all safety-sensitive work on an aircraft should be accomplished by a licensed airframe and powerplant mechanic; furthermore, we will not accept any dilution of our craft or the safety of the flying public.

With your support, AMFA will continue our efforts towards impacting the craft for the better.  Now that the legislation is law, we have a clearer picture of our craft’s future, and we will labor accordingly. 

As a final point, it should be noted that success in this arena is difficult, but can be gained by working together, and the workforce development grant program is a prime example.  A coalition of industry and labor, to which AMFA was an integral partner, was instrumental in authorizing a $5 million per year grant program for aviation workforce development.  The moral of this story is that although we may not see eye-to-eye on every issue, it is important to work together on those where we have a mutual interest.  Please stay engaged by reading the monthly legislative updates, and thank you for your continued support.


Justin W. Madden
Legislative Affairs Director

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