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COVID-19 Safety Recommendations #1
Apr 07, 2020

March 25, 2020

According to a recent published study, backed by the National Institutes of Health, Coronavirus (COVID-19) can survive up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel. With this knowledge, we recommend the following to help prevent the spread of the virus:

Time Clocks: For our members at Alaska and Horizon, when you must use the timeclock, it is recommended that the iPad be utilized. Be aware that the geo-fencing feature of your iPad can be monitored by the Company. For our members at Southwest, the biometric requirement for the timeclock has been disabled.

Performing Cabin Maintenance: If you are required to enter the cabin, use the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), even if the cabin has received enhanced cleaning. The same considerations should be utilized before entering the cockpit and cargo bins.

Crew Briefings: Social distancing practices MUST be adhered to. This means that each person should maintain a six foot minimum separation from each other.

Shared break areas/work space/tools/equipment: Before using anything that is shared (including, but not limited to, desktops, phones, keyboards, hand tools, anything from the tool crib or lockers, breakroom tables and chairs, vending machines, etc.) take precautions of thoroughly cleaning and/or disinfecting any item that will be utilized. Consider using disposable gloves before touching anything.

In addition to the above recommendations, please continue to practice thorough hygiene habits by washing your hands frequently and effectively. Refrain from handshakes, avoid touching your face, and cover your coughs and sneezes. Make sure any hand sanitizer used contains at least 70% alcohol.  Please refer to the Center for Disease Control website for updates and information.

Scott King
National Safety & Standards Director

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7853 E. Arapahoe Court, Suite 1100
Centennial, CO 80112

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