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Press Release: AMFA Launches First Ever Political Action Committee Solely Representing the Aircraft Mechanic and Related Craft
Aug 03, 2021


Justin Madden, Executive Director of Government Affairs

CENTENNIAL, CO – August 3, 2021 - The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) is excited to announce a new and unique political action committee (PAC) dedicated to promoting the aircraft mechanic and related craft. AMFA PAC is the first and only PAC funded solely by aircraft mechanics with their specific issues at the forefront, and is poised to change the landscape surrounding the profession by mobilizing mechanics for change and helping to elect officials that will work for them.

The non-partisan AMFA PAC will provide unprecedented access to elected officials and greater influence on the craft’s specific issues by amplifying the mechanic voice, which will ultimately help gain even more collective victories. Simply put, AMFA PAC is the most effective tool from our toolbox to fix the current and future issues of our profession.

Membership in the AMFA PAC starts at just $10 a month, with several other monthly options, and is open to AMFA members and their families, including Associate members. Joining is easy and can be accomplished by visiting www.amfapac.org. Associate membership in AMFA is available for those who are in the craft but not working under an AMFA-contract. Becoming an Associate member is simple and inexpensive for those mechanics seeking to have the largest impact on their profession— visit www.amfanational.org today for more information on becoming an Associate member.

AMFA Executive Director of Government Affairs Justin Madden stated, “As the only craft-specific union for aircraft mechanics over the past 60 years, AMFA is laser-focused on the issues that affect our profession. AMFA PAC is a natural evolution of our government affairs outreach, and as a force multiplier will go a long way towards ensuring that our craft remains viable and robust for the next 60 years and beyond.”

AMFA National Director Bret Oestreich stated, “AMFA believes that our craft can and must do more to promote our craft and protect our interests. AMFA PAC is an investment in your future, and I strongly urge each and every aircraft mechanic to join at whatever level you feel comfortable doing so. We are a proud profession that is stronger together, and AMFA PAC is another powerful vehicle for our solidarity and common goals.”


The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association is a craft oriented, independent aviation union representing licensed and unlicensed technicians and related employees actively involved in the aviation industry. These technicians and related employees work directly on aircraft and/or components, support equipment, and facilities. AMFA is committed to elevating the professional standing of technicians and to achieving progressive improvements in the wages, benefits, and working conditions of the skilled craftsmen and women it represents. For more information about AMFA visit www.amfanational.org.

7853 E. Arapahoe Court, Suite 1100
Centennial, CO 80112

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