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Sun Country Airlines Transition Update #1
Jun 22, 2022

 June 22, 2022

Dear Sun Country Airlines Maintenance Technician and Related Professionals:

AMFA is honored to represent you at Sun Country Airlines (SCA). We are aware that SCA has been suffering a loss in tenured, skilled individuals having trouble attracting the next generation of skilled and talented professionals to fill the void and prepare for the future.

AMFA and the SCA management team have agreed to meet for the first face-to-face meeting to develop a plan to move toward achieving a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for your group on Thursday July 21, 2022, at Sun Country Airlines Headquarters, Minneapolis, MN. In the short time since being certified you have experienced many changes in your workplace, including wage increases, new station openings, and leadership changes.

In the meantime, AMFA leaders will be visiting your stations to assist in the transition process and answer your questions about your rights and obligations as AMFA represented employees.  We are excited to meet all of you.

Your AMFA-SCA Transition Committee is in place, led by the Interim SCA Airline Representative (ALR) who is the main point of contact for your group. The AMFA-SCA ALR oversees the enforcement of your status quo work rules, pay and benefits, and is a voting member of your Negotiating Committee. There is also an Interim Area Representative who assists the ALR on the floor as well as an Interim Shop Representatives who administer communications.

In the next few weeks, you will be receiving a New Member package containing an Application for Membership and a Dues Check-off Form, which will permit you to be a member in good standing, attend union meetings, vote on contract and letter of agreement ratification, and vote for Local and National officers and representatives. Until a CBA is ratified between AMFA and SCA, your AMFA Initiation Fee will be waved when you pay voluntary membership dues. Your dues will be initially used to support your elected local SCA representatives and negotiating your CBA.

AMFA looks forward to the opportunity to unify and represent your group. For further updates and information, please visit Sun Country Airlines page of the AMFA National website.

In Solidarity,

Bret Oestreich
National President

In This Section

7853 E. Arapahoe Court, Suite 1100
Centennial, CO 80112

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