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Press Release: AMFA Applauds Federal Aviation Administration’s Proposed Rule on Drug and Alcohol Testing at Foreign Repair Stations
Dec 12, 2023

For Immediate Release


Rob Cush, AMFA Director of Government Affairs
(303) 752-2632

Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association Applauds Federal Aviation Administration’s Proposed Rule on Drug and Alcohol Testing at Foreign Repair Stations

CENTENNIAL, CO – December 11, 2023 – The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA), a craft-specific, independent aviation union, applauds the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) notice of proposed rulemaking on implementing a drug and alcohol testing standard for maintenance employees who work on U.S. aircraft at certificated foreign repair stations. AMFA was instrumental in securing language as part of the FAA extension, “Safety and Security Act of 2016”. The testing standards now match those imposed on maintenance technicians who work on aircraft in the U.S. 

“AMFA has worked steadfastly for years to combat foreign outsourcing,” said AMFA National President Bret Oestreich. “To firmly stand by our motto, ‘safety in the air begins with quality maintenance on the ground,’ AMFA will continue our efforts to eliminate the use of foreign repair stations with the ultimate objective of keeping the flying public safe by working with Congress and the Administration through strategic partnerships during the 118th Congress.”

AMFA’s members include Aircraft Maintenance Technicians/Engineers from Alaska Airlines, Horizon Air, Southwest Airlines, Spirit Airlines, Sun Country Airlines, L3 Harris, and WestJet. Since 2016, AMFA has continued championing strong legislation that requires the FAA to promulgate better testing rules and oversight on foreign repair stations. AMFA has and will always advocate for the FAA to implement the exact requirements and testing across all vendors employed by air carriers. 

“I am glad to see the FAA making meaningful progress on implementing drug and alcohol testing,” said Oestreich. “When the rule is finalized, it will ensure air carriers cannot cut corners and circumvent the FAA oversight safety standards if they choose to outsource labor. The rule will help keep the American flying public safe.” 

You can read the FAA’s notice of proposed rulemaking here.


The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association is a craft-oriented, independent aviation union. AMFA represents licensed and unlicensed technicians and related employees actively involved in the aviation industry. These technicians and related employees work directly on aircraft and/or components, support equipment, and facilities. AMFA is committed to elevating the professional standing of technicians and achieving progressive improvements in wages, benefits, and working conditions of the skilled craftspeople it represents. For more information about AMFA visit www.amfanational.org.

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