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AMFA-Horizon Air Negotiations Update #10
Nov 08, 2024

November 8, 2024

Participants for AMFA
Bret Oestreich – National President

Will Abbott – Region II Director
Chuck Clum – Airline Representative 
James Lambert – Negotiating Committee Member
Lucas Middlebrook – Legal Counsel
Peter Manikowski - Economist 

Participants for Horizon Air
Cheri Ruger – MD, People & Labor Relations
Baron Converse – MD, Maintenance Operations
Latrice Lee – Legal Counsel
Kyle Moline – Director, Financial Planning & Analysis

The AMFA-Horizon Negotiating Committee (the “Committee”) is providing this update to the membership at Horizon Air. This is the only officially authorized source of negotiating communications by your Committee.

AMFA and Horizon met in Seattle October 28-30, 2024, to continue bargaining toward a successor CBA. As you will remember, in the last few sessions, the parties had engaged in off-the-record “supposal” discussions to work through open issues and present you with a tentative agreement for your consideration. The parties continued these discussions on Day 1. Unfortunately, as we reported following the session in early October, the Company stopped moving entirely in these supposal discussions when it came to your wages. This is unacceptable. Instead of making a productive effort to find common ground, the Company negotiators insist on continuing to show your Committee their tired regional airline industry chart, and then inquire as to why we are bargaining for you to be paid a higher wage than what appears on the stale graph. Our response is clear: your hard work keeps Horizon aircraft flying and that hard work deserves a higher wage than where the Company’s position is stuck. Given the Company’s stubbornness to move on economics in supposal discussions, the parties returned to on-the-record bargaining in an attempt to reach tentative agreement on various open articles.

The parties have agreed, in concept, to replace the current Paid Time Off (PTO) and Extended Leave (EL) articles with Sick Leave and Vacation. Your Committee made the last on-the-record proposal on these articles, and therefore, on Day 2 the Company made counterproposals to both Article 13 – Vacation and Article 14 – Sick Leave. AMFA then presented a side letter, which would cover how accrued EL would be used as the benefit is phased out and replaced with the new Sick Leave provisions. In addition, the Union presented an on-the-record counterproposal to Article 8 – Field Service, which proposed double time for all hours away from your base station when working a Rescue/AOG Mission. The Article 8 counter also addressed certain per diem issues. The Company, in the afternoon of Day 2, presented a counterproposal on the EL phase out side letter. The Union also presented language in Article 23, Paragraph B intended to codify what you are currently receiving in terms of retirement (401(k)) benefits, and the remainder of the day was spent in caucus.

At the outset of Day 3, the Company returned a counterproposal on Article 8 – Field Service, which tentatively agreed on per diem and aligned, in part, with the Union’s request for double time for all hours away from your base station while working a Rescue/AOG Mission. However, the parties remain apart on what your rate should be when at a hotel while working a Rescue/AOG Mission and therefore we agreed to hold that issue until comprehensive economic discussions. The Company also returned a counterproposal on the retirement provision contained in Paragraph B of Article 23, which brought the parties close to alignment on this issue. The Company delivered a first proposal on a side letter that addresses how your PTO will be converted into vacation and sick leave accruals. Your Committee then presented a counterproposal on the EL phase out side letter, and in the afternoon of Day 3, delivered a counterproposal on the PTO conversion letter. In addition, AMFA presented a counterproposal on Article 14 – Sick Leave, which will replace the existing Extended Leave article. The parties exchanged additional proposals on the EL phase out side letter, and we are optimistic that side letter will be tentatively agreed to in short order. Finally, at the conclusion of Day 3, AMFA returned a counterproposal on retirement benefits (Article 23, Paragraph B) and we are hopeful the parties will align on that issue during the next scheduled negotiation.

Our next session is scheduled for November 18-19, 2024, in Seattle. The parties were productive during this session focusing on the articles described above. However, if the Company truly desires to reach a full tentative agreement that rewards your hard work and dedication to Horizon, it must increase its economic position. The Committee would like to extend an invitation to all Horizon members to attend and watch the process of negotiation. Space will be limited to room capacity, please contact AMFA-Horizon Air Airline Representative (ALR) Chuck Clum if you are interested in attending. We would like to thank everybody for your continued support and messages of solidarity – together we will achieve a contract your hard work has earned.


Your AMFA Negotiating Committee

7853 E. Arapahoe Court, Suite 1100
Centennial, CO 80112

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