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AMFA-SWA Facilities Maintenance Technician Negotiations Update #14
Dec 18, 2014

December 18, 2014

Participants for AMFA:
Aaron Hansen – Assistant National Director
Justin Madden – National Secretary/Treasurer
Earl Clark – Region I Director
Bob Cramer – Airline Representative Local 4
Shane Flachman – Airline Representative Local 18
Danny York – Facility Maintenance DAL
Lucas Middlebrook – Legal Counsel

Participants for Southwest Airlines:
Mike Ryan - VP, Labor Relations
Gerry Anderson - Sr Director, Labor Relations
Cindy Nagle – Sr Director, Labor Relations
John Zuzu - Sr Director, Corporate Facilities
Clint Auton - Director, Corporate Facilities
Robert Dorsey - Director, Corporate Facilities
Tim Hooyman - Sr Manager, Corporate Facilities

The Negotiating Committee is providing this update to the AMFA Membership at Southwest Airlines. This report is the only official authorized written source of negotiating communications by the Committee.

We met with the Company in Dallas, Texas on Tuesday, December 9, 2014 for a one-day negotiation session to continue our negotiations for the Facilities Maintenance Technicians (FMT). The Company started by presenting counter offers for Article 2: Scope, Article 4: Classifications, Article 5: Hours of Service, Article 8: Field Service, and Article 10: Filling of Vacancies. Again, like in our last session, the Company’s Article 2 counter omitted our language that would offer overtime to FMTs prior to using vendors to perform work the FMT’s normally perform outside their normal work hours and weekend. They also removed our language that would protect work at stations we currently perform and also preventing the Company from maintaining an ownership interest in a company that would also perform facility maintenance work.

In Article 4, the Company’s counter offer removed the classifications of Lead, Electrical Technician, HVAC Technician, and Locksmith Technician from our proposal and grouped all the FMTs into a general classification without Leads. They explained the big concern with Leads would be a selection process and having to backfill in an absence. In the Company’s counter to Article 5, they proposed to have a single shift with the basic five-day work week, eight hours a day, Monday through Friday. This proposal would eliminate the flex schedule currently used and no possibility of ten hour days. Their counter to Article 8 focused again on a single shift operation with eight hour days. They also proposed a field service selection process that is different than what’s included in the Aircraft Technician contract. In Article 10 the Company removed our language for filling of Lead vacancies and language that would stop the Company from abolishing a position and then increasing the work of vendors to perform work at that station.

Our Committee then caucused and worked on counter proposals to articles 2 and 4. The main item we continue to stress in our proposal in Article 2 is language that would provide job security for our current and future FMTs. In our Article 5 counter we reinserted language for the flex schedule and ten hour days. We presented those articles to the Company and again went back into caucus to work on our counter to Article 8. In Article 8 we spent much of our time reworking the Company’s proposal for the field service selection process.

The Company then came back with Article 2: Scope and Article 5: Hours of Service. In the Company’s second counter of the day on Article 2 they agreed to insert our language that prevents the Company from maintaining an ownership interest in an outside company to perform facility maintenance, and after a short discussion we came to a tentative agreement on Article 2: Scope that provides our current and future FMTs job security. In Article 5: Hours of Service the Company reinserted the flex schedule, but continued to strike our proposal for a ten hour shift. We then gave them our counter on Article 8: Field Service and explained our changes to their selection process. The session ended.

Our next negotiation session has not been scheduled at this time due to the upcoming holidays. If you have any questions, please call your Local Representative or the Region I or II Directors.


Your Negotiating Committee

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7853 E. Arapahoe Court, Suite 1100
Centennial, CO 80112

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