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Memorandum: Vote of No Confidence in SWA’s CEO and COO
Aug 01, 2016



AMFA Members
National Executive Council
August 1, 2016
Vote of No Confidence in SWA’s CEO and COO

After discussion with the AMFA-SWA Negotiating Committee and affected local leadership, the AMFA National Executive Council (NEC) joined the Southwest Airlines Pilots Association (SWAPA) in conducting a Vote of No Confidence in Southwest Airlines Executives, particularly its Chief Executive Officer, Gary Kelly and Chief Operating Officer, Mike Van de Ven.  

While record profits are being achieved by Southwest Airlines, due in no small part to its productive union employees, contract negotiations have languished in their exasperating place.  During this same period, company culture, a foundation of the airline’s success and a concept employees hold dear, has apparently become a hollow term used only to spur changes necessary to the whim of management.  Whereas people have always been the focus of Southwest Airlines, both externally and internally, they have since been replaced by profit.  This and other concerning things have all happened under the leadership of Mr. Kelly and Mr. Van de Ven.

Therefore, the NEC joins other labor groups on Southwest Airlines’ property, and in the best interest of those we serve, in submitting a Vote of No Confidence in Chief Executive Officer Gary Kelly and Chief Operating Officer Mike Van de Ven.  A press release will follow today or tomorrow at the latest. 

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