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Passing of Paul Cousins, Former ALAEA and AEI President
May 08, 2018

May 7, 2018

Dear AMFA Members:

It saddens me greatly to share the news of the passing of Mr. Paul Cousins, one of the most passionate advocates of the Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Technician I have had the pleasure of knowing.  Many in AMFA know Paul from attending the Aircraft Maintenance Skills Competition; both Alaska and Southwest Airlines Team members met Paul and his team of “Aussies” at the annual event and a close bond immediately formed.  We also worked with Paul, and the Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers (ALAEA), in our affiliation with the Aircraft Engineers International Association (AEI).

Paul was the ultimate worldwide promoter of our craft and worked for years to reinforce our safety and training standards.  He was resolute regarding maintaining the licensing requirement with the privileges and responsibilities it carries.  He fought fiercely for his members and the global Fraternity of Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers/Technicians.    

We will miss him in person, in spirit, and as a colleague, but most of all as a friend.


Louie Key
Secretary of the Americas

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Notice 008/2018 - Vale Paul Cousins

Vale Paul Cousins,

Or the Wookie as affectionately known to those of us close.

It is with much sadness I am to advise members of the ALAEA of the passing of former President Paul Cousins, whose life has been taken far too soon.

Paul was only 50 years of age, born December 1967 and leaving us late on 4th May 2018. (Star Wars day, fittingly -) Paul will be sorely missed by his partner Jackie and their children Trent and Rhys.

Paul served the members of the Association well since being elected as a Qantas Councilor in June 2002.

After four short years and with a common passion from close fellow executives and many others outside the executive in 2006 to better the Association, Paul nominated and was duly elected President and his team won 15 out of 16 positions contested – a major achievement in Australia’s union movement at the time.

Working tirelessly and with much sacrifice to his family under his stewardship adversaries became allies, individuals became united and battles became wins.

Paul helped shape this ragged bunch of misfits on the executive, largely unknown to each other and with only a common purpose of best representing the Association Members desires and giving them confidence and direction.

The Association has been strong, productive and progressive under his leadership. The Legacy Paul leaves behind here in Australia and overseas lays a solid foundation into the future for the ALAEA and it members to feel secure and well represented.

May the force be with you Wookie.

In Solidarity
Federal President
Michael Weitenberg


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