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Region II Director Recall Referendum Notice
Dec 11, 2019

December 11, 2019

In accordance with the AMFA Constitution, Article XV – Recall of National Officers, a referendum is being conducted regarding the recall of the Region II Director, Will Abbott. The recall petition submitted to AMFA National and the Region II Director’s statement of defense has been sent to all AMFA Locals in Region II and will be posted on the AMFA National website.

Be advised that the recall referendum is being put to a vote of the membership by the National Executive Council (NEC) pursuant to requirements established by the AMFA Constitution. The statements, including the use of attachments, contained in the petition for recall and/or in the statement of defense reflect the opinions of the petitioner/endorsers, and the National Officer/ Representative, respectively. The NEC takes no position with regard to the opinions expressed by those initiating and endorsing the recall or with regard to the statement of defense provided by the National Officer/Representative.

Votes for this referendum will be cast using ElectionBuddy software. All active AMFA members in good standing assigned to a Local in Region II are eligible to vote in this referendum. Note: Any member whose membership dues, fees, and/or assessment obligations have not been paid in full is a member in bad standing, and therefore, is ineligible to vote. Members are strongly urged to resolve any arrearage prior to this referendum being conducted.

The referendum notice and personalized voting instructions POSTCARD will be mailed to eligible voters at the address on file with AMFA National by December 17, 2019. Voting credentials will also be emailed on December 12, 2019, to members who have a personal email address on file. Any eligible member who has not received voting instructions via one of these methods by December 24, 2019, or anyone having questions about the voting process should contact the Administration Director at 720-744-6629.

The voting period for this referendum will end at 10:00 am et on January 9, 2020, the day of the tally.

Jay Johnson
National Secretary/Treasurer


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