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AMFA National Officer Election – 2020
Candidate Profiles

In an effort to provide AMFA members with basic information about candidates for union office, AMFA National has offered all candidates in this election an opportunity to submit a Candidate Profile along with their picture. Profiles were limited to 500 words and are unedited except for inappropriate content. AMFA National neither endorses any candidate for union office nor was any candidate given special treatment.

National Director

Bret Oestreich

We as AMFA Members have the fortunate opportunity to vote for our National Officers. The qualities in a person leading any organization should be someone who can lead with integrity and embrace unity while proactively promoting our profession. Leadership must have those proven qualities and personal experiences needed to represent the members in this radically changing industry.

I began my career in the United States Air Force as a Crew Chief on C-130 aircrafts from 1990-1994. I have been a Certified A&P Technician since 1995, when I started in General Aviation and finished my private pilot's certificate. In 1996 my Commercial Aviation Career at American Airlines started as an AMT under the TWU. In 1998, I became an AMFA Organizer after the continuous concessions and devaluing of the AMT craft and class. I have been an active leader involved as a staunch AMFA advocate, promoter, and organizer in multiple card drives and campaigns over 22 years. I also was co-chair in forming an organizational structure, constitution and organizing campaign for an Independent Union for AA Mechanics and Related- Association of Maintenance Professionals (AMP) against TWU in 2010-2011. I was a Union Safety Coordinator and chaired Accident Investigations for 8 years and was a Union Maintenance Technical Representative in AA Maintenance services (MRO) for 2 years. I have been with Southwest Airlines as a Composite Mechanic and Structures Mechanic in Dallas, TX since 2012 and was a Convention Delegate for Local 11 in 2016. I am honored to be voted in and hold the National Director position at AMFA National from 2016 to present.

This is a crucial time in our Aviation Careers, we face many challenges, we must continue to professionally promote and protect the interests of our members while raising the relevance and recognition of our craft and class. AMFA is the only craft specific aircraft mechanics union who has, and will, promote and increase the recognition of Aircraft Technicians and Related workgroup in the industry.

I am willing to continue to lead and stand up against the big business financial focus ideologies. I am committed and honored to be your voice and confidant. Together we will capitalize on learning from our past sacrifices as we continue to battle and bring a prosperous future for you and your family.

I continue to look forward to working with you to achieve the mutual future successes that we will obtain through building unity, strength and professionalism in the industry. We must strive in continuing to be the front runners.


Bret Oestreich

Assistant National Director

Pat Amore

Hello, I am Pat Amore, a Local 18 Safety Standards chair for the Florida cities and currently running for Assistant National Director. My career began in 1985 with American Airlines, working the ramp until I completed my A&P tickets at Lewis University. During my 26 years with American, I realized a strong union background and an environment of teamwork and compromise is important to the continued viability of our craft.

I brought this mentality to Southwest Airlines in 2010. In my experience with different airlines, I watched AMFA grow from a fledgling group to a cohesive organization that navigated a long and highly negotiated contract. Seeing this only increased my intention to keep AMFA invested in improving our quality of work life.  With two brothers as AMTs, and my nephews who are new to the industry working their way up the ranks, I have a close and vested understanding of how we as a Union need to protect our brotherhood through the ranks.

Previously, I held the Shop Rep & Professional Standards position within Local 4 until I became Safety Standards Chair. During that time, I worked hard to organize pickets, galvanizing support from SWAPA and recruiting picket walkers from other stations to increase our visibility and show solidarity amongst the ranks. Knowing the success of contract negotiations was contingent on keeping membership informed and involved, my effort was invested in extra stations visits and information sessions. Part of my face to face philosophy is keeping current on the inner workings of various locals, and attending the national JAC meetings.  These meetings are integral to leadership being aware of what is happening with membership and responding to our mechanics concerns. My intention has always been to increase communication as well as see how other locals are handling certain issues. Having been involved in local level disputes in many stations, and attending various trainings, I have strengthened my skill set in dealing with conflict while maintaining union standards. Increasingly, I respond to the ideal that each of us deserves representation, and always work to increase communication while making sure that all are represented.  Even on the local level, I did station visits to accommodate for days off and different shifts.

Moving into the future, we can build on the structure of a union that has embraced communication through Zoom and social media prior to the current world situation. With our forward thinking grasp of community and connections, I feel that my person to person skills will strengthen the union while preserving our local chapters and reinforcing the role of leadership.

Louie Key

I remember my first day as an A&P Mechanic on June 1, 1979.  I was 18 years old and had just earned my license.  My grandfather, father, and stepfather had all worked as aircraft mechanics.  But when I walked into the cockpit of the Alaska Airlines’ 727 and looked at all those gauges, lights, and switches I thought  “What have I done, will I ever really learn the complexities of all of this? This is serious business, after all I’m the guy that people count on to ensure their aircraft is safe and airworthy.”  I will admit I was nervous; I knew I had to set my mind to it and work hard.

In 1998 when the AMFA campaign started I became an organizer to help it succeed.  Members asked if I would be their Airline Representative for our new local. I wanted to support our members and accepted the nomination. 

In 2000 I was elected as Region I Director, served for two terms, and near the end of the second term was asked to fill the role of Assistant National Director until the AMFA Convention. At the Convention I was unanimously nominated to serve as the National Director and represented our members for two terms in that position, totaling 16 years as an AMFA National Officer.

Through those years there was the good, the bad, and the ugly.  I chaired multiple negotiation committees, helped organize several airlines, advocated on Capitol Hill, participated as an Aircraft Accident Investigation Team Member on Alaska Flight 261, navigated through airline mergers, bankruptcies and a strike.  It was not easy, but with determination and perseverance we made it through. 

In 2016 I was voted out of office.  I was grateful to have served as an AMFA Officer.   

I had to learn the “next-gen” aircraft and get current with all my qualifications.  I regained my run and taxi, RII, and became ETOPS qualified.  My passion for this career and its members has never faded.

On June 1, 2019, forty years to the day after I began, my son started as an A&P Mechanic at Alaska Airlines.  I am so proud of him.  But he, like so many others in our industry, currently faces an uncertain future.  Now, as much as ever, we need excellent representation.

I am honored to again be nominated for a National Officer position. I am excited, and enthusiastic, about the opportunity to get back in the arena and fight for our members with my experience and determination.  I would sincerely appreciate your vote.

Please participate in your National Officer election.

Cameron Lampley

I am Cameron Lampley, and I would like your support in becoming Assistant National Director in order to help Bret Oestreich lead AMFA toward a stronger future. I am an assertive go getter who believes involvement with next generation union leadership is paramount in order to continue to obtain industry leading contracts and membership protection. These are difficult times for our industry, and we must look to rebuild and fortify our long-term relations with the companies we work for in order to better protect our members, and therefore the future of our craft.

As a shop representative on Hangar RON and C-Check, I have been able to learn from you all what is most important to you, as well as gaining experience in mending relations between members and management. I believe this experience will better allow me to help strengthen those relationships that will keep our members protected. I am a quick learner, which allows me to easily adapt to situations on the fly, and when paired with my ability to remain calm and composed under pressure, this allows me to overcome any obstacles I may encounter in order to ensure the best results for our members.

I believe participation, numbers, and solidarity are the key factors to a strong union. As Assistant National Director, I am eager to attend all National events and meetings and be the voice of the younger members, who are all too often forgotten about. I look forward to representing AMFA at card drives with leadership traits and an enthusiasm for fueling its growth and support as I entice others in our industry to gain more protection and expand our membership. During these uncertain times in our industry, solidarity has never been more important, and you can be certain that I will do what it takes to get everyone on board with AMFA's common interests. I fully support our National Director, Bret Oestreich and his vision for the future of AMFA, and believe a team involving Bret, myself, and all of the National team would be advantageous for our organization. If you are interested in moving AMFA forward, instead of reverting back to the old regime of long negotiation talks and contract extension, then vote for me, Cameron Lampley.

Gene Painter

My name is Gene Painter. After retiring from the United States Airforce, I began my career at Southwest Airlines as an AMT in the fall of 1994. I have been very pro-active AMFA member and supportive in my endeavor as a Union member and Lead inspector. I have been actively involved as a Member, Shop Steward for Teamsters, Contract Steering Committee member, primary National Convention Delegate in 2012, AMFA Shop Representative and have battled our carriers with my leadership as your current Assistant National Director since 2016. I have watched diligently as the frustration has grown toward the companies trying to dilute the professionalism of the Aircraft Mechanics and related workgroup careers. I am more dedicated than ever and it has been a long time coming to have our AMFA representation, be truly represented in this industry as a stakeholder. I like you, no longer am willing to be reactive elevating the craft and our profession, but rather be pro-active in our advancement through legislation of raising the recognition our craft and class moving forward. The time has come for your voice to be heard. Thank you.

National Secretary/Treasurer

Jay Johnson

Jay Johnson Attended Northrup University and have held an A&P certificate since 1983.  I started my aviation career at Aviall Engine Overhaul Facility, Ryder Airline Services, Greenwich Air Services and G.E. On wing Support where I performed field maintenance on aircraft engines for 16 years. I worked at Aircraft Interior and Design, where I worked with and managed 200 Mechanics that overhauled aircraft Interiors and manufacturing of aircraft Interior parts. In 2002 I was hired by Southwest Airlines (SWA) as a structures mechanic in Dallas Texas.

I was introduced to Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) at SWA and has been part of the Association since 2002 and attended Local 11 General Membership meetings (GMM) and frequently attended SWA contract negotiations as an observer.  I was elected as Local 11 Treasurer in 2013. I was in the 2016 National Convention as an Alternate Delegate for Local 11 and I was elected as AMFA National Secretary / Treasurer in 2016 to present.  Over my term I have attended Local 4, Local 11, Local 14, Local 18 and Local 32 Local Executive Council (LEC) meetings and GMM’s. As a National Officer AMFA has conducted numerous elections, surveys, Grapevine newsletters, contract votes and approve and review all AMFA National invoices and bank transactions.

I believe in a Union that is transparent and uses a democratic process where officers are elected instead of appointed, open negotiations where members are invited to attend and participate in contract negotiations. A union that promotes and protects the interests of our membership and raises the standards of and increase recognition of the aircraft maintenance technician and related class or craft. 

Rui Leonardo

It is that time, once again, that we, AMFA members, get to vote for our leadership at the National Level. As a community of AMTs, we need to be active and engaged in this process. It is democracy.  We the voting membership have all the say on who we elect to the National Executive Council, which must continue to maintain the highest standards of transparency, honesty and advocacy.

I started my journey as an advocate for the blue-collar person as a Local AMFA Shop Representative at LAX in 2007.  Over the years, I progressed in local offices as, Secretary, Vice President, and currently serve as President of Local 32. My service to AMFA totals 13 years, to date.

As a Local Secretary, my key goals for my Local were to improve communication and involvement. I installed and built the current L32 website, which increased communication to over 75% of the Local’s Membership, who are currently registered today to receive union information updates. The L32 Website distributes and translates the latest information to Members. As a result of L32’s focus on communication, L32 members understand AMFA represents multiple Airlines, with the local’s primary objective being inclusion. One of the fundamental principles that AMFA was founded on is that ALL AMTs in the industry benefit from AMFA representation. Fulfilling this principle means attending to challenges and opportunities from the largest to the smallest airlines, including all AMTs at MROs.

As a Local 32 Vice President, I helped the LEC with union travel accommodations, GMM scheduling and set up, and Area Rep travel. In addition, I assisted in starting the implementation of the transition of digitization to Local 32.

As Local 32 President, recently at Local 32, we finalized the transition to digital format, which will reduce cost and waste year after year. Most importantly, I believe all members have a voice. I listen and address any questions or concerns any member has. I make myself easily accessible to all local members via email and phone number posted on L32 website. I am willing to stand up and fight for all our rights as union members and continue to increase our pay/benefits for working men and women in our profession while elevating our craft. Furthermore, I support the increasing of our recognition with the flying public and our important role/responsibilities in aviation safety, which in turn leads to better engagement as a stakeholder in the legislation arena.

As a National officer I will bring these same important values to the National Secretary/Treasurer position: communication, efficiency, information, transparency and accessibility.

Thank you for taking the time in reading my Bio and voting for me,

Rui Leonardo

National Safety and Standards Director

Scott King

Scott King started his aviation career attending Skyline High School in his hometown of Dallas, Texas where he began working to achieve an A&P license. He finished at Tarrant County Junior College.

After working in general aviation at Aviall Jet Engine Overhaul and Pan Am, Scott landed at Delta Airlines, where he worked until 2009. In April 2009, he started at Southwest Airlines (SWA) as a Regulatory Affairs Analyst, then transferring to the “floor” as a Mechanic in September of 2011.

Since becoming a member of AMFA, Scott has served on the Professional Standards Committee, on the By-Laws Committee, as a Shop Representative, as the Alternate Outsource Liaison Representative, and as the Primary Outsource Liaison Representative. Scott is extremely honored to serve the membership as the National Safety and Standards Director (NSSD).

Serving as NSSD since 2016 there have been numerous challenges to face. The first priority of AMFA has always been SAFETY.  As aircraft mechanics, everything that is done has a varying degree of safety tied to it that must be vigilantly practiced and never compromised. Air travel is still the safest mode of transportation and AMFA representatives, along with the membership, will strive to maintain that the practice of safety and compliance will keep the aviation industry at the top the list.

Keeping all of the current pressures in mind, our Members must watch out for each other’s safety, as well as the Professional attitude that is required while navigating through the most challenging time in recent years. AMFA’s role towards safety must always remain at the forefront of priorities within the Association.        

Region I Director

Earl Clark

I have worked in the airline industry since 1979, first starting with Transamerica Airlines working as a Technician Helper and then a Technician (1979 – 1985). In 1985 I received my Airframe and Powerplant licenses and then worked for Southern Air Transport (1985 – 1991) as Engine Shop and Line Technician. I currently work for Alaska Airlines as a Technician. I started in 1991 in the hanger in Oakland, California working heavy maintenance. In 2004 I was furloughed and then bumped into San Francisco Line and then recalled back to the Oakland Line where I continue to work today. During the above time period I completed my Associates Arts Degree in Electronics form Chabot College in Hayward Ca (1983). 

I have been an active member of AMFA since they were voted in at Alaska Airlines in 1998. I have served as the Airline Representative for the Alaska membership form 1998 to 2008, first with Local 37 from 1998 to 2004 then with Local 9 from 2004 to April of 2008, and last for Local 32 from April 2008 to December 2008. I have also been elected by the membership to serve as a delegate to the 2000, 2001 Special and 2004 AMFA National Conventions. I have served as a negotiator while an Alaska Airline Representative in three contracts negotiated since AMFA was ratified as their bargaining agent in 1998. During my first term as AMFA National Region 1 Director I served as Negotiating Chairman for the Alaska Airlines ratified agreement of 2011 – 2016. I also during that term I served as Negotiating Chairman for the Horizon Air Negotiating committee. During my recent term I serve as the Negotiating Chairman for the Southwest Negotiating Committees for the Aircraft Maintenance Technician and Related agreement and the initial Facility Maintenance Technician contract and the Alaska Airlines Negotiations. Recently I served as the Chairman for the AMFA / Alaska, Virgin America Seniority and Transition agreements. I have also served as an arbitration board member at Alaska Airlines, a Special System Board Member for the Local 32 Southwest members. In 2001 I served as an aircraft accident investigator with the National Transportation Safety Board in the investigation of Alaska Airlines flight 261.

Region II Director

Wilber "Will" Abbott

Welcomed to the Southwest Airlines family in 2006. Worked Line RON, Hangar RON, Day Line and Day Structures while at SWA. Held active union positions in AMFA as Shop Representative, Area Representative, Professional Standards, Vice President of Local 18, Co-Chair of committee in re-establishing Local 4, L11 Informational Picket Committee and current Region II Director.

Responsibilities that you entrusted in me that I bring utmost respect to our Craft, Association, and Industry that we all can share in together for the common goals that elevate each of us together. In doing so, it meant taking the effort to actively engage with each of you wherever I could from attending GMM’s and station visits to have your collective voices be heard. Those communications are essential when making decisions. The challenge is not only for myself, is that each of you take ownership of being engaged with factual knowledgeable information with the union, industry and the company so that we will have the best options for our futures and that of our families at our hands. With that collective approach I will continue to work for you at all levels of the Association.

Let us not seek to fix the blame for our past – let us accept our own responsibility for the future.

Prior to working at Southwest Airlines, Will's aviation career began in the U.S. Navy, followed by AirTran Airways, Delta Airlines, Omni Air International.

Rob Cush

AMFA Members,

Hello, my name is Rob Cush and I’m running for Region II Director for the next period starting 10/5/2020 thru 10/7/2024. Currently, I work in Maintenance Control & have worked as a controller for the past 14 years. During that time, I helped organize the Maintenance Control group to become part of AMFA & severed as a SME during these past negotiations to help our committee achieve an industry leading contract for that time. Before my time in Maintenance Control, I was a Phoenix RON mechanic, Apprentice, & Line MX coordinator for 12 years. It was at this time I started helping out in the union where I served as a shop representative & helped out on the safety committee. Prior to working for Southwest Airlines, I attended Chandler/Gilbert Community College where I studied Aircraft Maintenance Technology & received my A&P license. 

If you choose to vote me into office, understand I will always represent you in a fair & honest manner. I will continue to build on the past representatives success & strive to succeed in my new role as Region II Director. Our union can only be as strong as the individuals we have representing us & together we can continue to reach our goals. One of my goals while in office will be to find ways to encourage voter turnout on all items we vote on. It will be one of my top priorities to try to increase voter participation & make sure our voices are heard on ALL matters big or small.

In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude at being given the opportunity as a Region II Director Candidate. With your support, I look forward to achieving furthered strength, unity, & professionalism for AMFA.


Sincerely,  Robert R Cush

7853 E. Arapahoe Court, Suite 1100
Centennial, CO 80112

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