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AMFA–SWA Appearance Technicians Contract Update
Feb 06, 2020

February 6, 2020

Dear AMFA-SWA Appearance Technicians:

We wanted to provide you with an update as to the status of your current Agreement with Southwest Airlines. Your current agreement is amendable November 22, 2020. Your next contractual pay increase is three (3) percent effective August 1, 2020.

In July of 2019 the Company approached AMFA with another extension offer to your Agreement. The offer was for an additional ten (10) years, making your agreement amendable in 2030. The Company offer included fixed three percent (3%) pay increases for each of the first three (3) years. The following six years included a mix of two percent (2%) fixed increases and one percent (1%) fixed with a possible additional one percent (1%) contingent on Company Return on Investment Capital (ROIC) being over ten percent (10%).

They offered minor changes to language in Article 13, Sick Leave and On The Job Injury, paragraph 12 that states the Company will make up no less than the difference between that which is paid to the employee by Workmen's Compensation and what the employee would have made, after tax withholdings, if he had worked his regular shift.

They offered changes to Article 11, Vacations, paragraph 5 that would allow you to carry over one (1) week, equivalent to forty (40) hours, of unused vacation.

They last offered a ratification bonus of $603,000.00 to be divided up evenly amongst all eligible voting members.

We discussed the proposal and do not believe being held in an agreement for an additional ten years is an extension. The longest extension AMFA has ever agreed to is your last four (4) year extension. We recognize an extension as being from two (2) to four (4) years in duration.

In November we surveyed your group and thank everyone that participated. We asked which direction the group wanted to go with their next agreement: full negotiation or another contract extension. The result was another contract extension. As for the rest of the results from that survey, we have thoroughly reviewed your feedback and will be developing a counter extension proposal to present to the Company in coming weeks. We do not anticipate any face-to-face negotiations with the Company at this time.

Please do not hesitate to contact your Local Airline Representative if you have additional questions.


Dan Burgess
Craig Hamlet
Wayne Lampley
Ken Patrick

Local 4 SWA Airline Representative
Local 11 SWA Airline Representative
Local 18 SWA Airline Representative
Local 32 SWA Airline Representative

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Centennial, CO 80112

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