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Memo: Tentative Protocol Agreement
Aug 26, 2020


AMFA-SWA Membership
Jay Johnson
National Secretary/Treasurer
August 26, 2020
Tentative Protocol Agreement 

Dear AMFA-SWA Members:

AMFA and Southwest Airlines recently reached a tentative protocol agreement for possible resolution to current litigation. During the last week we posted numerous legal correspondence and reference materials related to this Tentative Agreement to the Legal Updates (Members Only) page under Member Resources of the AMFA National website, including:

  1. Joint Statement of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association and Southwest Airlines Co.
  2. Complete text of the tentative “AMFA-SWA Article 23 Response Protocols Agreement”
  3. Memo: Legal Update #6
  4. AMFA–SWA Article 23 Response Protocols Agreement Referendum Notice
  5. Video: Overview of AMFA-SWA Tentative Agreement, by AMFA Legal Counsel

In addition to posting these documents to the secure they were also distributed via AMFA App push notification. You must be a registered user of the AMFA National website to access this secure page. Attached are instructions to register with the AMFA National Website and download the AMFA App to ensure you have all the information necessary to cast an informed vote in the upcoming referendum.


Jay Johnson
National Secretary/Treasurer


In This Section

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Centennial, CO 80112

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