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National Director's January 2015 Update
Feb 01, 2015

January 30, 2015

Dear Members:

The New Year is off to a very busy start around the Association, we had three new local presidents sworn into office in January: Dan Burgess at Local 4, Dale Dixon at Local 11, and Frank Amore at Local 32. Congratulations to our new local presidents and a genuine thank you to Jim Kinnerk, Lyndon Heffernan, and Eric Hambacher for their past service supporting their local members.

On January 14-15, 2015, the Southwest Airlines (SWA) Aircraft Maintenance Technician (AMT) negotiations continued in Dallas, Texas, and the negotiation update has been posted to the AMFA National Website. The next scheduled session for the AMTs is February 19, 2015, and the next session for the Facility Maintenance Technician negotiations is scheduled for February 17-18, 2015.

On January 20, 2015, most of the National Executive Council, the Alaska Airlines (ASA) Safety & Standards Representatives, and the Alaska ASAP Representative met with senior leadership from Alaska Airlines in Seattle, Washington. We covered a wide range of topics including the formation of a joint AMFA-Alaska Airlines Safety Working Group, the Voluntary Self-Disclosure philosophy of the Company, the upcoming Safety and Compliance Roadshow, and recent compliance concerns. We also had a discussion regarding the Safety Culture of Alaska Airlines and their commitment to the Ready – Safe – Go Safety Campaign that was introduced last year. We concluded with a commitment that there will be ongoing meetings with the AMFA Safety Representatives and their Company colleagues to continue to work collectively in our joint responsibility of ensuring aviation safety. Also at ASA, the opportunity for submitting contract proposals for the upcoming Section 6 Contract Negotiations started this month and will close on March 31, 2015.

On January 22, 2015, the National Secretary/Treasurer, Local 11 President, and Local 11 Airline Representative attended the SWA Labor Coalition. The main topic of conversation was the status of negotiations with each labor group. With the TWU Local 555 in mediation and SWAPA recently entering the process, there was much discussion to that regard, as well as a general concern with the slow pace of negotiations. This month I was able to attend the General Membership Meetings at Locals 14, 18, and 32. It was great to be able to visit the locals and I look forward to attending Local 4 and Local 11’s meetings very soon.

For more carrier specific updates and further information regarding AMFA and the airline industry, please visit the AMFA National Website at www.AMFANational.org. Our most determined efforts will only succeed with your continued support and participation – please stay informed.


Louie Key
National Director

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