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National President Update - July & August 2024
Sep 17, 2024
AMFA Locals and Members
National President’s Monthly Update for July & August 2024
September 17, 2024

Dear Members:

With the summer ending, we can reflect on our successes as we have made substantial tangible strides to “right-size” the aviation industry by securing our careers and craft/trade. We have made strong efforts to secure job protections, ratify industry-changing wages and benefits, and increase the recognition of your licenses as Aircraft Maintenance Technicians/Engineers (AMTs/AMEs).

Supporting Our Members

AMFA is the voice of the AMT/AME and related skilled professionals. As your representative, we will continue to support you by taking action to protect your work and ability to earn, raise wages, and improve benefits. We are committed to aggressively defending the rights of aircraft maintenance professionals in both Canada and the United States. We know how to combat coercive employer strategies that decrease your quality of life and jeopardize air travel safety. AMFA respects your work, and we will demand proper recognition from your employers and the general public for your critical contribution to aviation safety.

Legislative Initiatives

Our legislative initiatives and achievements have defined AMFA as a leader in this generation of craft/trade unionism across North America. For more information on our legislative action, please visit the Government Affairs page of the AMFA National website.

Negotiation Updates

With negotiations underway at four AMFA-represented carriers (Horizon Air, Sun Country Airlines, Spirit Airlines, and WestJet) our Negotiating Committees have been busy. Thank you to the members who participated in the negotiation sessions. Your attendance and engagement in the bargaining process help to strengthen and increase industry standards for all AMTs/AMEs across Canada and the United States.

Alaska Airlines (AS)

AMFA-AS Airline Representatives (ALRs) are working to implement, administer, and enforce the new work rules prescribed in the recently ratified Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). In recent months, there have been discussions about Alaska Airlines potentially acquiring Hawaiian Airlines. On December 3, 2023, the two airlines entered into a definitive agreement, and on August 20, 2024, the Department of Justice cleared the merger review. Alaska Airlines is now awaiting approval from the Department of Transportation. AMFA will be actively evaluating this situation and the potential impact this merger could have on the union representation of the combined groups. For more details, visit the Alaska Airlines page on the AMFA National Website. 

Horizon Air (QX)

AMFA and Horizon Air met in Seattle on August 19-21, 2024, to continue bargaining toward a successor collective bargaining agreement (CBA). Wages and benefits, primarily Articles 23 – Benefits; Article 25 – Wages, Premiums and Shift Differential; and other associated letters of agreement continued to be debated in addition to Articles 13 and 14. While the parties remain apart, your committee was encouraged by these discussions and the economic movement we saw in off-the-record exchanges. We are cautiously optimistic that the parties may find common ground with this approach, but we also know the importance of drafting detailed language to capture areas of alignment.

Our next session is October 7-9, 2024, in Seattle; however, we are in contact with the Company about possible earlier dates, either in Seattle or virtually.  For further updates, please visit the Horizon Air page of the AMFA National website.

L3 Harris MAS (L3)

L3 Harris MAS is exploring a new station in Ottawa, ON, to maintain two new A330 aircraft. The Trenton, ON, membership will continue with the A310 fleet. Grievances are ongoing at both stations.

A disturbing increase in terminations due to ethics complaints against our AMFA members and representatives have been reported. The Local 4 LEC visited with L3 Harris members and separately with L3 Harris Labor Relations on August 19-23. AMFA National is assisting Local 4 as we continue to learn of many complaints from our membership about safety, staffing, and compliance issues compounded by AMFA representatives being targeted and terminated by L3 Management. Local 4 is investigating and evaluating how to address these incidents best. For updates, visit the L3 Harris MAS page on the AMFA National website.

Sun Country Airlines (SCA)

Mediation with the National Mediation Board (NMB) continued virtually on July 12 and August 23. AMFA continues to provide different concepts and unique ideas to bridge the gap between the parties. Unfortunately, these ideas are commonly responded to with the Company’s repetitive taglines regarding the uniqueness of Sun Country’s operation and its need to remain flexible.

Again, the Company should be reminded of its obligation to bargain in good faith under the Railway Labor Act, which includes ensuring that the negotiators at the table have sufficient bargaining authority to reach an agreement. It is no legitimate excuse to claim any proposal/supposal that first needs to be discussed with management representatives absent from the bargaining table. The next mediated session is scheduled for September 23-25 in Tampa.

Due to, in part, the glacial pace of these negotiations, AMFA is establishing a picket/strike preparation committee. Please visit the National Mediation Board’s website, for a comprehensive review of the collective bargaining and mediation process. In addition, if you have questions, do not hesitate to contact any member of your Negotiating Committee. Visit the Sun Country Airlines page for updates. 

Southwest Airlines (SWA)

401(K) Me-Too Provision Update: On July 2, 2024, your SWA Airline Representatives put out an update on the AMFA-SWA 401(K) Me-Too Provision. The SWA CBA contains language referred to as “me-too provisions.”

Article 16, Subparagraph 2(e). If an employee group subsequently receives an improvement to their 401K or insurance benefits (e.g., cost caps), then that same improvement (subject to the same terms and conditions) will be offered as an option to Employees covered by this agreement as represented by the Union. In the event of any dispute, the Union may reopen negotiations concerning the changes to both those benefits.

The SWA 401K Me Too Clause Enactment LOA Referendum will run from September 17 to October 8. For more information, please visit the Southwest Airlines page of the AMFA National Website.

Spirit Airlines (NK)

With the assistance of the NMB assigned Mediator, the AMFA and Spirit Airlines negotiators identified articles to focus on during the first mediated bargaining session. The next mediated negotiation session is scheduled for October 8-10, 2024, in Fort Lauderdale or Tampa (TBD by the Mediator). For further updates and information, please visit the Spirit Airlines page.

WestJet, and Alberta Partnership (WJ)

The AMFA-WestJet Airlines (WJ) Negotiation Committee scheduled a very aggressive Roadshow Zoom schedule, and WJ members needed to have time to review the full test of the first Tentative Agreement (TA1) and gather information before casting their vote. Voting on TA1 opened on May 28 and closed on June 11. The WJ Membership rejected TA1 by an overwhelming 97.25% no vote.

Safety is Paramount

Please use your carrier’s Safety Reporting System (SRS) when you feel there are safety or compliance concerns while performing your job. In addition to your carrier’s SRS, the FAA Hotline may be used to report aviation safety concerns: https://hotline.faa.gov/.

I ask you to remain vigilant and engaged with your union and officers. In doing so, monitor your respective carrier page on the AMFA National website for airline-specific details. Our most determined efforts will only succeed with your support and participation – please stay engaged and informed.


Bret Oestreich
National President

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