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National Director's March 2015 Update
Mar 31, 2015

March 31, 2015

On March 3-4, 2015, the Southwest Airlines (SWA) Facility Maintenance Technician (FMT) negotiations continued, and on March 11, 2015, the Aircraft Maintenance Technician (AMT) negotiations also continued in Dallas, Texas. The negotiation updates for both groups have been posted to the AMFA National Website. The next scheduled session for the FMTs is April 21-22, 2015, and the AMTs is April 23, 2015. It is important to point out that during the AMT negotiations our Committee presented the Company a “Comprehensive Proposal” that contains the union’s proposal on all open items. The comprehensive proposal was your Committee’s effort to break the inertia that had slowed negotiations and move the process forward toward reaching a tentative agreement. Movement in negotiations had become disappointedly slow; hopefully, we will see a positive response from the Company.

On March 24-25, 2015, the National Executive Council (NEC) and staff held Local Executive Council (LEC) officer training at the National Office in Denver, Colorado. Every LEC officer was invited to attend the training. On the first day, we held a plenary session for all officers followed by a question and answer reception with the NEC. On the second day, we held breakout sessions with each officer attending specialized training for their position. It was a great opportunity for all of our officers to get to meet each other and also spend time discussing many matters of shared interest.

This month we had an unfortunate development with our new our lobbying firm, The Keelen Group (TKG). Mr. Frank McCarthy, our specific lobbyist from TKG, informed us that the firm identified a conflict of interest they were unable to resolve within their client base and must therefore, as outlined in our contract, terminate the relationship with AMFA. The NEC will now determine our best course of action for selecting a lobbying firm in Washington, DC.

At Alaska Airlines, the opportunity for submitting contract proposals for the upcoming Contract Negotiations closed today, March 31, 3015. The next step in the process will be for each local to collect their proposals, hold a special meeting for the members to endorse the proposals they support, then there will be a system-wide survey so members can rank the proposals in order of priority.

For more carrier specific updates and further information regarding AMFA and the airline industry, please visit the AMFA National Website at www.AMFANational.org. Our most determined efforts will only succeed with your continued support and participation – please stay informed.


Louie Key
National Director

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