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National Director's July 2017 Update
Jul 31, 2017

July 31, 2017

Dear Members:

The National Executive Council (NEC) continues our efforts to achieve the best communication practices to reach our member including emails, push notifications as well as website, Facebook, and Twitter posts.  The NEC also continues to conduct station visits throughout the system. We would like to thank everyone who continues to help with transportation at the station and escorts from each of the stations.

The NEC would like to thank our lobbying firm, Commonwealth Strategic Partners, and Justin Madden, AMFA Legislative Affairs Director for their continued proactive approach on the legislative front. Mr. Madden reports, “This month has been very active as the FAA Reauthorization Bill moves separately through the House and the Senate Committee process. The House version of the bill contains the very controversial topic of Air Traffic Control (ATC) reform, whereas the Senate version does not.  Amendments were introduced in both versions, and a few could have an impact on our craft.  One in particular involves the portability of the FAA Repairman Certificate, to which AMFA has reservations and will proceed accordingly.  There was no amendment in either bill to remove the drug and alcohol testing and background check rule on the foreign repair stations, which bodes well for the safety and integrity of the flying public.”  Please visit the Legislative Updates page of the AMFA National Website to read monthly updates regarding this and other legislative issues that affect our craft.

We will be scheduling meetings in the near future with the AMFA–Alaska Airlines Integration Committee and Virgin American Integration Committee to discuss the upcoming integration process of the two workgroups. We will continue to keep you informed as future meeting dates are scheduled and as we proceed through this process.

We have now been in Aircraft Maintenance Technician (AMT) negotiations with Southwest Airline (SWA) tipping five years – August 16 marks that anniversary date. Negotiations continued this month with a mediated session on July 17,18, and 19 in Dallas, TX. The AMFA Negotiation Committee began by delivering a comprehensive counterproposal to the proposal passed by the Company at the last session.  Our counterproposal was a cover-to-cover package, which was designed to provide the Company with relief on the issues it has claimed it needs while also providing you with a compensation package that maintained our historical margin above the industry. The Company refused to counter on economics, including retroactive pay.  The Company rejected our 401(k), insurance premium split protection, short term disability, and mechanic to aircraft ratio. The Company’s actions are not those of a bargaining partner interested in reaching a negotiated agreement.  We are still reviewing all options surrounding the Company’s mediation-arbitration proposal, which would be separate and apart from NMB mediation, but we are scheduled to have another mediated session August 16-18, and we are committed to reaching a negotiated agreement. Negotiation updates for all sessions have been posted to the AMFA National Website.

AMFA will hold informational picketing events for SWA AMTs on Wednesday, August 16, 2017, marking the 5-year anniversary of our contract amendable date. Locals 4 and 32 have coordinated the following picketing events:

  • Event at Chicago Midway Airport from 0900 CST to 1200 CST. Meeting at the Holiday Inn 6624 S. Cicero Ave Chicago, IL between 0700 CST and 0830 CST. Transportation will be provided from/to the airport. Members must sign up with a Picket Committee member to participate in this event: members at MDW, please see Vice President Scott Van de Motter (B/C Check) or Costin Martin (Line RON); members travelling in for this event, please contact Dave Mueller (Evening Line/ Lead) at (630)546-6980 or davemueller1960@gmail.com. If you have further questions, please contact Vice President Scott Van de Motter, at vicepresident@amfa4.com.

  • Event at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport from 0700 to 1000. Informational picket will be held at terminal four, departure level on the northwest corner. Please contact Frank Amore @ fjaamfa32pres@gmail.com for more information.

In light of some recent communications from SWA, it is important for our members to understand your rights under AIR21. Under AIR21, an employee of an air carrier is protected from retaliation for reporting alleged violations of federal laws related to aviation safety. Employers covered under AIR21 may not discharge or in any other manner retaliate against you because you provided information to, or caused information to be provided to your employer or the federal government about an alleged violation of federal law. Your employer may not discharge or in any manner retaliate against you because you filed, caused to be filed, participated in, or assisted in a proceeding under one of these laws. To obtain more information about air carrier safety laws, please visit the FAA website at www.FAA.gov.

On July 26, 2017, AMFA National and Local 11 attended the a protest/informational picket at DFW airport in Dallas, TX supporting American Airlines AMTs of TWU 513, TWU 567, TWU 591 who have not received a new contract for over two (2) years. Our fellow AMTs endure constant outsourcing of aircraft maintenance to foreign and domestic less skilled overhaul vendors and the greed of executives during periods of record profits.

In closing, we want to stress that we must all exercise caution and be watchful of what we express on all social media outlets, especially Facebook.  Even what we post on "closed" or “private” local union pages can be revealed and tracked.  We are all being watched by both Alaska and Southwest corporate media watchdogs.  Any type of negative posts online about individuals or anti-company statements may, and could, be used against you resulting in disciplinary action, including termination. Please be respectful and professional.

Please stay engaged, and thank you for your time.


Bret Oestreich
National Director

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Centennial, CO 80112

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