May 7, 2022
Dear Spirit Airlines Mechanics and Related Employees:
The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) is honored to have filed an Application for Investigation of Representation Dispute on your behalf with the National Mediation Board (NMB) on Friday, May 6, 2022. Now that the cards have been filed, we wanted to give you a brief overview of the NMB investigation process and what to expect next.
In the next few days, we will be assigned both an NMB Case No. and Investigator, and then the investigation will commence. During the coming months, the NMB investigation will include validating the authenticity of the signed authorization cards filed by comparison to signature samples supplied by the Company as well as verifying there is a majority showing of interest for AMFA representation by confirming a sufficient number of signed authorization cards from employees under the Mechanics and Related Craft or Class at Spirit Airlines have been submitted. Once a majority showing of interest is determined, the Investigator will schedule the opportunity for the parties to make challenges and objections to the proposed eligibility list filed by the Company, and then a period for challenges to the challenges; this may take several weeks.
We are cautiously optimistic that Spirit Airlines management will not attempt to prevent an election by inflating the eligibility list via submitting other workgroups beyond our class and craft. AMFA believes we have filed significantly more than enough signed Authorization for Representation cards to cover all potential eligible voters within the Mechanic and Related Class or Craft at Spirit Airlines.
When the previous requirements are satisfied, the Investigator will schedule the eagerly desired election to determine the representative of the Mechanics and Related Employees at Spirit Airlines. This is your opportunity to decide your bargaining representative. The Election Notice, Sample Instructions, and Ballot will be distributed to eligible voters at the address on record with Spirit Airlines, so please ensure the company has your current mailing address on file.
As the investigation proceeds, we will continue working diligently on your behalf to secure your opportunity under federal law to vote for the union representation of your choosing. The Railway Labor Act (RLA) 45 U.S.C. §152, Fourth, emphasizes that employees have “the right to organize and bargain collectively through the representatives of their own choosing” and that “[t]he majority of any craft or class of employees shall have the right to determine who shall be the representative of the craft or class . . .”
Thank you for placing your confidence in the AMFA, and we promise to work hard on your behalf should you choose AMFA as your collective bargaining agent. For further updates, please visit the AMFA at Spirit Airlines page of the AMFA National website.
In Solidarity,
Bret Oestreich
National President