October 2, 2024
Participants for AMFA
Earl Clark – Region I Director
Will Abbott – Region II Director
Tony Christner – Airline Representative
Lucas Middlebrook – Legal Counsel
Peter Manikowski – Economist
Participants for Sun Country Airlines
Kristen Peterson – Sr. Director, Labor & Employment
Bobby Purzitza – Director of Maintenance
Jacki Thompson – Legal Counsel
Roy Fan – Financial Planning & Analysis
The AMFA-SCA Negotiating Committee (“Committee”) is providing this update to the Sun Country Airlines (“Sun Country”) membership. This is the only officially authorized source of communications by the Committee.
The parties met September 24-26 in Chicago for a two-and-a-half-day mediated session. This was our fifth session in mediation (two virtual) under the National Mediation Board (“NMB”). The initial mediator assigned to this matter, Jack Stephan, was replaced by the NMB (due to conflicts in schedule) with Mediator Michael Donatelli. This was the first session conducted by Mediator Donatelli. We are optimistic about meeting with greater frequency given Mediator Donatelli’s availability. The first day of this session started with brief introductions for the Mediator. Thereafter, the parties spent time in off-the-record discussions and then caucused to prepare counterproposals on Article 3 – Status of Agreement and Article 4 – Classifications. The Mediator tasked AMFA with developing a counterproposal for Article 4 – Classifications, and the Company was asked to prepare a counter for Article 3 – Status of Agreement.
In the afternoon of Day 1, AMFA presented its counterproposal on Article 4 – Classifications. As a reminder, this article sets forth each classification of work as well as a description of the specific job. There were two remaining issues in this article: 1) new language addressing the creation of a Lead Aircraft Support Technician (“AST”) classification, and 2) a new provision focused on which classifications may provide on-the-job training, including the development of a Designated Maintenance Instructor (“DMI”). The parties spent off-the-record time in previous sessions working through the Lead AST classification language, and AMFA incorporated those discussions into our counterproposal. The Lead AST classification will be similar to the current AST point of contact position. Among other duties, the Lead AST will be responsible for leading, directing, and approving the work of their assigned AST group while also coordinating with a Lead AMT. The parties also spent time off-the-record in previous sessions discussing creation of a DMI, which is not a classification, but rather a position that could be temporarily held by Employees in other classifications to accomplish on-the-job training. AMFA intends for an hourly premium to be attached to Employees serving in the DMI role, but the parties agreed to defer that topic until economic discussions.
Thereafter, the Company presented its counterproposal on Article 3 – Status of Agreement. This article provides contractual protection and processes in the event of a corporate merger, acquisition, or similar transaction. Unfortunately, as is common with Sun Country’s minimal-effort approach to these negotiations, its counter on Article 3 was simply a regurgitation of its last on-the-record pass. AMFA asked pointed questions regarding the remaining open issues. But, as is often the case, Sun Country negotiators provided only generalized responses that provided little assistance to bring the parties closer to compromise. Nevertheless, AMFA committed to presenting a counter to Article 3 at the outset of Day 2.
On the morning of Day 2, AMFA presented its counterproposal on Article 3 – Status of Agreement. AMFA made movement on one of the open issues but held firm on the others. AMFA pointed out that Sun Country was seeking language that is simply not standard in the industry. For example, AMFA had proposed language (standard in most AMT contracts) that provides protection for you if the Company acquired another carrier with no intention to merge the companies and thereafter attempted to transfer you or your work between those two companies. Once again, Sun Country negotiators were unable to provide any meaningful response as to why they continue to strike this provision. However, Sun Country’s continued strike of this provision is a bright red flag. Does Sun Country intend a corporate transaction whereby they transfer assets or employees to your detriment? If not, there is simply no reason for the repeated strike of this language, especially where the Company offers no alternative language. After AMFA’s Article 3 counterproposal, the Company presented its counter to Article 4 – Classifications. The Company, with its Article 4 counter, presented minor changes to the Lead AST language but offered changes to AMFA’s last proposal related to the DMI role. AMFA asked clarifying questions and advised it would be prepared with an Article 4 counterproposal.
AMFA worked diligently in caucus and delivered a counter to Article 4 in the afternoon of Day 2. We made minor cleanups to the Lead AST language, which brought the parties near agreement on this issue. AMFA accepted some of the Company’s proposals on the DMI role, cleaned up the language, and included additional provisions intended to clarify which classifications could provide on-the-job training and how the DMI role would proceed. Sun Country recognized AMFA’s movement and, following review, the parties appeared close to a TA on Article 4. Sun Country then presented a counterproposal late in the afternoon on Article 3. The Company’s Article 3 counterproposal accepted a few of AMFA’s strikes of non-industry standard language but ultimately reverted to its previous proposal on the weightier issues, including continued striking of the provision designed to protect you and your work from being siphoned off to an acquired carrier. This, once again, raises red flags regarding the Company’s true intentions regarding your employment and your protected work once we have a CBA in place.
The parties finalized a TA on Article 4 – Classifications on the morning of Day 3. In addition, AMFA presented a counterproposal on Article 3. Unfortunately, this counter was once again received by the Company with an unwillingness to move, with no plausible explanation as to why. Based on this, AMFA advised the Company and the Mediator that this Article may need to be moved to the impasse column. The parties, with the assistance of the Mediator, agreed upon the topics to be addressed at the next meeting, which is scheduled for a 3-day mediated session October 15-17 in Chicago.
AMFA thanks all the members for supporting the Strike Preparation Committee (SPC). You will receive additional information in the coming weeks on the SPC’s next steps.
Remember - stay engaged, remain informed, and continue to support the Negotiating Committee. Our solidarity will produce a CBA that your hard work has earned.
Your AMFA–SCA Negotiating Committee