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AMFA-SWA Technician Negotiations Update #2
Sep 17, 2012

Participants for AMFA:
Earl Clark - Region I Director
Louie Key - National Director
Nino DiMaggio - Local 11 Airline Rep
Bob Cramer - Local 18 Airline Rep
Mike Young - Local 32 Airline Rep

Participants for Southwest Airlines:
Mike Ryan – VP, Labor Relations
Jim Sokol - VP, Maintenance

George Tompkins - Director, Labor Relations

The Negotiating Committee is providing this update to the AMFA Membership at Southwest Airlines. This is the only official authorized source of negotiating communications by the Committee.

On September 12th we met with the Company in the Texas Stadium Conference Room at the Hangar in Dallas. During our session in August the Company expressed a desire to accomplish these negotiations in an expedited manner; therefore, this session was scheduled for only one day. The Company explained they would like to provide AMFA with a comprehensive proposal in an attempt to further expedite the negotiation process. The Company arrived at 9:00AM and informed our Committee that they needed more time to get their proposal together and they would be back at 12:30PM. At about 12:30PM, Jim Sokol and Mike Ryan addressed the Committee and explained that they would be unable to present their proposal by the end of the day.

The Committee understands that there are many rumors circulating on the floor regarding the Company’s intent for these negotiations, one of the major ones being the fourth line of heavy maintenance. What we can say is that the Company does not desire to start a fourth line of heavy maintenance in house this coming year; however, they also explained that if they could not negotiate to relieve them of their contractual obligation, they would continue the process of starting the fourth line. Also, from the discussion we have had with the Company they have explained that they would be willing to financially reward our members for contractual relief. AMFA has explained that it is highly unlikely we would negotiate away the fourth line of maintenance as we strongly believe that the Scope of our work is the very heart of the Contract! The Company requests that we review their package and give them a chance before AMFA declines. The Negotiating Committee stated we would look at anything brought forward in writing.

Until the Company presents their package, our Committee continues to identify other items we believe the Company would like to address in that proposal such as the length of agreement, pay scale, outsourcing, job security, sick leave, and the additions of the new work groups into the agreement (time, money, scope/security, accreted groups and productivity). We all need to realize that they are only the Company’s verbalized wish list and have seen nothing in writing. Like us, the Company has a comprehensive list of proposals to consider and bargain over. Therefore, please don’t become discouraged by this information or rumors on the floor.

Our Committee feels that you deserve to be well informed as to what takes place during negotiations, and we believe that you understand positions change quickly - what you hear today my not be true tomorrow. We are confident that you understand that and will continue to perform your job under our current agreement in a professional manner. Please realize these negotiations are in the very early stages and at this point, next to nothing has happened.

Both sides are committed to making a concerted effort to reach an agreement that addresses our members’, and the Company’s, concerns. Our Committee would like to thank the observers that took the time to attend.

Your Negotiating Committee

Upcoming Negotiation Date: Tentatively October 10th and 11th, in Dallas, Time and Location to be Determined

In This Section

7853 E. Arapahoe Court, Suite 1100
Centennial, CO 80112

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