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Primary AMFA – SWA ASAP ERC Representative Election Notice and Candidate Profiles
Sep 06, 2017

September 6, 2017

Due to the recent resignation of the Primary AMFA–SWA Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) Event Review Committee (ERC) Representative, AMFA National is conducting an election to fill the vacated position.

The Primary AMFA-SWA ASAP Representative serves as the SWA membership’s representative on the ASAP ERC and reports to the National Safety and Standards Director, or his designee. This position is anticipated to be a full-time assignment based at the SWA maintenance facility in Dallas, TX. The term of service for this position will commence on the first day of the month following certification of the election, and will expire at 11:59 pm et, June 30, 2018, or upon termination of the program, whichever occurs first.

Votes for this election will be cast using the TrueBallot Inc., WebVote® and TeleVote® systems. All active AMFA members in good standing employed by Southwest Airlines are eligible to vote in this election. Note: Any member whose membership dues, fees, and/or assessment obligations have not been reconciled is a member in bad standing and, therefore, is ineligible to vote.

The election notice and voting instructions will be mailed to eligible voters at the address on file with AMFA National on September 14, 2017. Any eligible member who has not received voting instructions in the mail by September 21, 2017, or anyone having questions about the voting process, should contact the Administration Director at 720-744-6629.

The voting period for this election will begin at 3pm et on September 14, 2017, and will conclude at 10am et on October 10, 2017.

In an effort to provide AMFA members with basic information about candidates for union office, AMFA National has offered all candidates in this election an opportunity to submit a candidate profile along with their picture. Candidate Profiles may be viewed by clicking here.

Jay Johnson 
National Secretary/Treasurer

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