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Memo: AMFA-SWA AMT TA Referendum
Sep 04, 2018



AMFA-SWA Members
Jay Johnson, National Secretary/Treasurer
September 4, 2018
AMFA– SWA AMT TA Ratification Referendum


At this time most members have received personalized voting instructions in the mail for the AMFA–SWA AMT Tentative Agreement (TA) Ratification Referendum. Votes for this referendum are being cast the TrueBallot Inc., WebVote® and TeleVote® systems. Any eligible member who has not received voting instructions, or anyone who has questions about the voting process, should contact the Administration Director at 720-744-6629.

It was brought to our attention over the weekend that several individuals started floating a misconception that the voting period for this referendum had ended as well as an unofficial document containing false final percentages and results. Furthermore, an unofficial photo was shared via text and social media. This was neither an official, authorized document of AMFA or TrueBallot, Inc, nor was it approved for distribution.

There are still two (2) more weeks remaining in this active referendum, which does not end until 10:00 AM ET on September 18, 2018. We must be respectful to both the voting process and to our fellow members, regardless of which way you may vote. Everyone has the same right and responsibility to cast their vote as a member. This is your opportunity to have our collective voice heard.

Please also refrain from using Company computers or Company Wi-Fi for the voting in any AMFA election or referendum.

On Behalf of the NEC,

Jay Johnson
National Secretary/Treasurer

In This Section

7853 E. Arapahoe Court, Suite 1100
Centennial, CO 80112

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