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Letter to SWA VP of Labor Relations Regarding Continuing Negotiations
Sep 21, 2018

September 20, 2018

Russell McCrady, Vice President Labor Relations
Southwest Airlines Co.
2702 Love Field Drive
Dallas, Texas 75235

Subject: Tentative Agreement Vote and the Way Ahead

Vice President McCrady:

As the Chairs of the AMFA Negotiating Committee, we want to follow-up on the tentative agreement vote results announced Tuesday, September 18, 2018, rejecting ratification. 

The extraordinarily high participation rate of AMFA members in the ratification vote and its result are an unmistakable indication of the continuing support AMFA members have for their chosen union and bargaining representatives.  We agree with your assessment that AMFA represents a talented and professional group and that they should find in a new contract to “reward” them for their hard work.

Accordingly, AMFA is strongly committed to reaching a new tentative agreement at the bargaining table as soon as possible that AMFA members can ratify. This is a matter that should not be resolved anywhere else.  It need not be delayed.  It will not be delayed by AMFA.  The stays of the pending lawsuits now in effect should continue, and neither side should give cause to the other to resort to court yet again.  We hope you agree and urge you to join in our efforts with the assigned Mediator to bring us back to the table without added cost or delay.


Earl Clark
Region I Director and
Negotiating Committee Co-Chair
 Will Abbott
Region II Director and
Negotiating Committee Co-Chair

     AMFA Negotiating Committee
     AMFA Legal Counsel
     AMFA Local 4, 11, 18 and 32 LEC(s)
     AMFA Membership
     NMB Mediator
     Gerry Anderson, SWA Negotiation Committee Chair

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7853 E. Arapahoe Court, Suite 1100
Centennial, CO 80112

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