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National Director's Statement Regarding The Truth About What’s Really Behind The “Operational Emergency” Declared By Southwest Airlines
Feb 20, 2019

February 20, 2019

Following the series of CBS News reports, the letter from Senators Blumenthal and Markey to the FAA, and increased scrutiny from the FAA, Southwest has been more self-conscious in using intimidation tactics to avoid fixing maintenance issues while Southwest AMTs have become less fearful to write up legitimate issues. However, what are not factors in the delays are Aircraft Maintenance Technicians (AMTs) calling out sick at an increased level or AMTs declining overtime work. Leading up to the so-called “Operational Emergency,” attendance and overtime was at normal levels. Additionally, since the “Operational Emergency” all AMFA members have been ready, willing, and able to contribute, yet there hasn’t been a call for additional overtime by Southwest Airlines.

Every member of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association that serves and protects Southwest Airlines customers and flight crews take their role seriously to ensure every aircraft in our fleet is safe. No matter how small an issue we may find with an aircraft, we have an obligation mandated by operation of our FAA issued licenses to repair it and make the aircraft airworthy. It is our hope that the Southwest management will join this commitment to restoring our safety culture and looking at this transition not as an “operational emergency,” but rather the beginning of a new normal.

For more information, please read The Truth About What’s Really Behind The “Operational Emergency” Declared By Southwest Airlines

Please also stay tuned to the Southwest Airlines page of the National Website to keep you up to date. 

Bret Oestreich
National Director

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