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AMFA-SWA ALR Membership Update #7
Jan 03, 2021

Januray 2, 2021

To All AMFA Members at Southwest Airlines:

As you know on December 18th, we had completed the hearings for all three Expedited Arbitrations (AMT, App Tech, and FMT) for furlough protection. AMFA was to the point where briefs were due to the arbitrators starting next week.

We are pleased to communicate that all three cases are now officially history. The Arbitrators have been noticed of what is called a post-hearing stipulation which confirms that the cases are now moot because the RIF (reduction in force) has been canceled.

So, what that means is that AMFA members keep its contracts intact with no concessions through 2021. There will be no RIF, no job loss, and there will be no ruling issued and the grievances have been withdrawn without prejudice.

This is all good news for AMFA members and good news for Southwest Airlines. Your dedication to our craft has been nothing less than exceptional. We are proud to serve as your Airline Representatives.

In Solidarity,
Your AMFA–SWA Airline Representatives


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